My hunting land

Guest TennesseeTurkey

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Guest TennesseeTurkey

The hunting land I have is shaped in a horseshoe with the horseshoe being a big tall ridge. If your looking at it like this U there is a big field inside of it, with a funnel running from the closed part of it to the field, that the deer use to come off the ridge. There is a road on top of the ridge that is just like this U, again in the horseshoe shape. I had my trail camera in the bottom on a trail that comes into the field, I put it there Christmas day with some corn and some other junk. I'm guessing that here now that winter is getting colder that they are staying in the woods and not coming off the ridge so I moved my trail cam to the top on the road that you can just tell that there had been high traffic. From Christmas day to today there were 0, count em' 0 pictures I have of deer. They come off of other propertys by way of the road that goes both ways into the funnel now hopefully I can get a deer on my cam, What are your thoughts to this mystery vanishing of the deer?

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Hey Kentucky sounds like you got a sweet spot there. If you can find the natural food source that they are eating and their bedding area then set up between that would be the ticket. Not knowing much about the property it would be hard to offer any other suggestions. This time of year when vegitation is thin and crops have been harvested, deer change their diets, most of their nutrition comes from browse. If there are any thickets, cutovers or areas that have been recently timbered this would be a good place to start. Well good luck.

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Guest TennesseeTurkey

99% of the land within a mile is hardwoods I'm thinking that there is a corn field on the other side of the ridge from me on top of the wood being way way way thicker over there and its not on our property they usually stay on top of the ridge and come down the our side pre rut and rut I'm not usually hunting this time of year because I dont have a bow and I'm guessing they keep to the top and other sides this time of year....Gonna get a corn pile goin up top and find out....

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