Time man of the Year


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I'm sure most know that most know who it was, Barack Obama.:mad::mad: Now be totally HONEST, what has he DONE this year to deserve that title? IMO, NOTHING, not like in years past when the people that had earned that title had actually done something worthwhile. He won the presidency, which he had a 50% chance of doing. If McCain had won, would he have earned that title? Probably not. Ok, so he made "history" being the first black president, whoopty freakin do. That all goes back to that 50% chance he had of winning:rolleyes::rolleyes:

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What did you expect from a liberal left owned magazine??

Was thinking the same thing as Martin here. Kind of expected such from these types.

This is just the beginning of how the liberal press is going to make him the "most successful president ever"! Watch and see!

I can see that being a possibility Orlan, but I sure hope you are wrong.

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The media's love of BHO has yet to begin...:rolleyes:

Just wait how they will practically coronate him. Every move he makes will be the best. Every decision will be the best.

Time magazine should of had him walking on water...

The NewYorker magazine cover did it the best. I think it reflects the REAL president who will be in office soon:rolleyes:.


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This is just the beginning of how the liberal press is going to make him the "most successful president ever"! Watch and see!

OJR..I couldnt agree more buddy!! Look how BIAS the press was during the campaign..ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, (PMS)..NBC..all had 4 to 10 negative news stories for Mcain, compared to 1 negative Osamma..imagine that!? well they got the scumbag "ILLEGAL ALIEN" in office, I hope it comes back to bite em you know where! GOD help us!

Edited by Mathews XT Man
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Bias? OK maybe but he was elected and if you belive in America then you have to give him a chance. Yeah, I agree, there is a whole lot of bias goin on. In two years we'll see. Then I'll pass judgement.


Welcome to the forums Ralf. Might want to check the man's senate voting record, it is available from a government non biased site. It had been no secret where he had stood on gun control issues. The man has made several comments that went right along with his stance/voting record as well, and some of those did get a very little bit of attention, but were never top stories in the news.

One other thing to remember here too folks, and that is that even if Obama does not push gun control, take a look at who is in control of the seante and house, he really does not have to push anything. All he has to do is to not veto anything Pelosi and her liberal friends come up with. Who's side do you think he is really going to stand on when it comes down to it, ours or theirs? He has voted with the liberals what 99 percent of the time?

Would be nice for someone who supports Obama and the liberal's like Pelosi who are in control to come up with some legitimate reasons to trust those people, maybe voting records or legitimate comments from reliable sources that show they support our rights. When that happens I might be a bit more prone to give him a chance, until then I can only hope the man proves a many of us gun owners/hunters wrong.

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William...I'm thinking these low post people, who come in here and post pro BHO statements

( now call me a conspiracy theorist if you will but:D) could be part of the divide and conquer sect.

I believe after so many failed attempts to restrict the 2nd Amendment on a nationwide level. The Dems are smart enough to do ground root research, to see where many in America stand. With the internet and bulletin boards. That research can easily be done.

Our contributors here, can argue the 2nd amendment better than most in Washington.

This is a extremely popular site and great source of info for anyone looking for keep a finger on the pulse of the outdoor community.

Or maybe trying to spread a virus.

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Bias? OK maybe but he was elected and if you belive in America then you have to give him a chance. Yeah, I agree, there is a whole lot of bias goin on. In two years we'll see. Then I'll pass judgement.


welcome to the forums, rz. no maybe about the bias, but i do want to give him a couple years and be fair about it. that said, i have verrrry low expectations and can only hope

he does opposite of what he's done in the past. :o yea, right. for now, i'm planning on asking folks in 2 years what reagan asked when he ran against carter for president. "are you better off today than you were 3 years ago?

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I think it should either be Obama or Gen. David Petreus.

Here's Time's criteria for winning:

"for better or worse, has most influenced events in the preceding year."

And keep in mind that Obama joins a list that includes Adolph Hitler (1938), Joseph Stalin (1939, 1942), Nikita Kruschev (1957), Richard Nixon (1971, 1972), Ayatullah Khomeini (1979), Deng Xiaoping (1985), Mikhail Gorbachev (1987, 1989), and Vladimir Putin (2007).

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