Check one off my bucket list


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Well come monday night I will be able to check one off. I know you guys in the USA don't like hockey as much as we do.....but I LOVE IT...the world Jr tournament is in Ottawa this year and its been a life long dream of mine to watch Canada play for a gold metal......well after they beat Russia in a shoot out last night its going to happen for me....I really can not put into words how pumped I am to see this game I have tickets to the bronze and gold metal games on monday....I just can not wait:D:D:D:D things are not good for me right now but I can look forward to this.......GO Canada GO!!!!

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hockey ..... I LOVE IT...the world Jr tournament is in Ottawa t

to watch Canada play for a gold metal

I rember being in Lake Placid in 1980 when Canada's southern cousins beat the Ruskies and then got the gold against Findland. I did not have tickets to it (but did see Luge , downhill and such tiks I did have). I was at the Islanders 1981 Stanley Cup win in NY. I am not a big hockey fan but I like to be at big event games. They play so much better than a regular season game.

Have fun!!!

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6am here now.....6 hours till the bus leaves....I CAN NOT the wife is not coming with buddy from hunt camp called her yesterday and said he would give her 500 bucks for her ticket....she took matter who is going with me it will be a blast.

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6am here now.....6 hours till the bus leaves....I CAN NOT the wife is not coming with buddy from hunt camp called her yesterday and said he would give her 500 bucks for her ticket....she took matter who is going with me it will be a blast.

Heck for 500 I'd give him the ticket and my wife. LOL

Have a good time Joe. While I was playing 18 last monday I was thinking about you. icon10.gificon14.gif

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