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No Ive brought it to a few peoples attention

Tim the things you do for Realtree and these forums have far out weighed what other "cough: Waddell "cough" has done ... maybe not in Georgia but I can guarantee you they have here on these forums and in more ways then you will ever know ... you a class act thats for sure ... Id rather eat breakfast with you then" almost:D" any of them others anyhow.


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Tim the things you do for Realtree and these forums have far out weighed what other "cough: Waddell "cough" has done ... maybe not in Georgia but I can guarantee you they have here on these forums and in more ways then you will ever know ... you a class act thats for sure ... Id rather eat breakfast with you then" almost:D" any of them others anyhow.


I agree 1000 % .... Although I'm going to throw Randy and Steve B. into this mix as well .. Which I'm almost definately sure BowtechTurkeyHunter would agree upon also .. ;) Even tho that Steve B. character is a bit shaddy .. :D:D;)

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Wow, really didn't expect this kind of response!!

Thanks Tim, you're a good guy, I don't care what they say bout ya!! ;):p

Randy O., Steve B. and those I probably have missed....Thanks a ton for all you do.

I don't want ya'll to feel like I was saying there weren't enough Pro Staffers here, just was curious as to why.


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I just appreciate the ones that are here, especially our regulars like Tim, Steve, Randy, and recently Tink. It's nice to hear from the others like Vicky C. and Kandi every once in a while but I understand they have their own web sites, business obligations, hunting trips and families. If you're out on the road as much as they are I can certainly understand why they can't stop in on a weekly basis. I just appreciate it when they can drop in.

Heck, during the heat of hunting season I can't get in here every week either. I guess I spend too much time in the woods and then when I return I'm catching up on paying bills, etc. so I can hit the woods again.

With that said though you'd think some that never have stopped by would drop in every now and then. The way I see it, it's their loss. I'll just enjoy conversing with those that choose to drop in and be a part of the RT family. They way I look at it cup is half full...not half empty. ;)

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I too wondered why Bill, or Michael, or David, rarely post in here. But I'm sure they have their reasons, and personally it is not that big of a deal to me. AS others have said we have what we have here and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

HeHeHe, in michaels defense....he has called me to wish me a happy birthday on a few occasions and talked to me for about 15 minutes each time he called.


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If you really want to chit chat with some of these folks go over to Archery Talk, the next scheduled chat will host the Kisky's on the 20th, of this month at 7:00 pm.

But first you will need to sign up and add your name to the sign up sheet .. :rolleyes:

I for one will stay right here and talk to the ones that visit this great place and if they don't, well I guess they lose. ;)

I guess these other Pro Staffers that don't visit here have their reasons, and who am I to question them .. ;)

We've got SteveB., Randy O., Tim A., Tink., on a regular basis, and I think we are truly BLESSED to have these folks . :):cool:

OK, I've caused enough trouble here off to another room ... :D

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This comes up a lot and since I'm the one in charge, I'll give you the answer.

We have discussed it a good bit. and I think they will eventually happen. But up until the past year, I have been the only person here at RT responsible for our web efforts. We are finally beginning to add others.

I would also like to add that I also have other responsibilities here in our marketing department, so I'm not actually full time web. If you look at some of the sites that have hosted these, the web "or online communities" are their primary businesses. Unfortunately, we have a 1,000 other things going on.

Stay tuned. I am trying my best. S

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Steve? Shady? Nooooo-weeeellll...yeah! :D:D:D We love ya, Steve! And thanks to all the others, Tim, Scott, Randy, Kandi, Tink and Vicki, for taking time out of your day to come and join the campfire and talk hunting! :) Michael is a great guy, though, I must admit in his defense.

Dakota :)

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