where are they!??!


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Around here they don't like being around the cows. This time of year if you find one deer you will more that likely find twenty of them.

Brilliant. Exactly what I was going to say. I've never seen deer mingle with livestock around here.

And if you find them, there's a good chance they are yarded up by now, especially if your weather has been poor.

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Around here they don't like being around the cows.

Brilliant. Exactly what I was going to say. I've never seen deer mingle with livestock around here.

Funny this topic is up this morning, saw 7 deer in a field this morning not too far off the roadway on my way back from the schools in a field with about 60 cows. The deer did not seem too concerned about the cows, looked like they were more concerned with me on the road slowing down to look at them.:p

Seems like a member here last year posted a pic with cows and quite a nice buck, maybe it was Rackblaster?

Guess whether cows bother deer or not may have more to do with where you are and how common cows are in the area. Deer around here see them and are not too worried about them. I have watched deer jump the fence from my driveway into the pasture with the cows, and I know they could see the cows. Our side pasture, there are rubs right behind my ground blind and scrapes along the fence row on the pasture side. The cows are not in that pasture right now, but we have had rubs and scrapes made in that pasture while they were there, and the cows usually lay down within pretty close proximity to that area.

Horses in my experience are another story alltogether. Horses(at least ours) do not seem to care for deer, and seems deer share the sentiment. Don't really know why other than that horses unlike cows will become pretty alert when they see deer and come over to investigate, cows typically may look at deer and then go right back to whatever they were doing usually eating.

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Funny this topic is up this morning, saw 7 deer in a field this morning not too far off the roadway on my way back from the schools in a field with about 60 cows. The deer did not seem too concerned about the cows, looked like they were more concerned with me on the road slowing down to look at them.:p

Seems like a member here last year posted a pic with cows and quite a nice buck, maybe it was Rackblaster?

Guess whether cows bother deer or not may have more to do with where you are and how common cows are in the area. Deer around here see them and are not too worried about them. I have watched deer jump the fence from my driveway into the pasture with the cows, and I know they could see the cows. Our side pasture, there are rubs right behind my ground blind and scrapes along the fence row on the pasture side. The cows are not in that pasture right now, but we have had rubs and scrapes made in that pasture while they were there, and the cows usually lay down within pretty close proximity to that area.

Horses in my experience are another story alltogether. Horses(at least ours) do not seem to care for deer, and seems deer share the sentiment. Don't really know why other than that horses unlike cows will become pretty alert when they see deer and come over to investigate, cows typically may look at deer and then go right back to whatever they were doing usually eating.

the comment about how often the cows are in the field i think is the answer, see my neighbors have horses and i've seen deer within 30 yards of them, if you were riding or just walking along the side of the horse u could get 30 yards from deer and they dont seem to care, BUT he's also had the same horses in the same 40 acre pasture for a good 6 or 7 years. i went out to scout and see where the deer have been moving but i cant tell cause the cows have totally demolished all of the deer trails and creek crossings :mad::(

but they seem to have made a few trails down on our property closer to the house and i tihnk it's because theres no cattle on our property,


i found a patch of ground that was totally shredded down to dirt all from deer pawing it, but it was right at the base of a rub, the rub looked like it was made less than a month ago, are they still rubbing?!!?

or is it just because they are trying to get rid of those antlers??

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Haven't seen much all season and now it's worse!

Spent all day yesterday (only got one-two hunts left before the season is over) and saw one coyote, one possum, and one deer. I didn't see the deer until after dark (about 10 minutes after). All I could see was the dark outline walking out of the thicket into the field.

My advice would be to stand hunt fields or food plots one hour before sunset. Stand hunt near a thicket one hour after sunrise. During the hours in the middle walk and try to jump one and get a shot if it stops to look back. Good luck!

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