Seasons over...


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Well my 2008-2009 hunting season is officially over. This morning was the last time I will be able to get out. Can't complain though, I had a great year and had lots of fun. Got 3 doe tags left to make some tag soup, that will go well with the venison chops. ;) I got a 9 point in archery and a doe in rifle. Since then I've been chasing doe around at the SGL in 2B with no luck. Everyone else pretty much done? Howd ya do?

Already looking forward to next year!! Let the countdown begin!! :cool:

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Overall I'd give the season a C- for deer hunting. I was fortunate enough to connect on a monster (or near monster depending on one's standards) public ground 8-point during the IL gun season and a couple does during archery. Overall not that great considering the amount of time I put in and reputation of the areas I hunt.

During the entire archery season I didn't see one shooter buck. Generally I will at least see a couple. The number of does I have opportunities for and pass on was a lot lower this year as well.

I'm keeping a journal this year, I'll post my stats once I have time to tally the results. I think I'm at 34 hunts so far for the season.

I've got 1 bow hunt left and a one day antlerless only trip with my ML.

Edited by fly
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