10 Point, 24'' Main Beams, Gross Score 143.75


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Kelly Amacker

Photo taken in Washington, Louisiana

p1231615105.jpg10 Point Gross Score 143 6/8

click image for a closeup On Jan.7th, I came home from work with all intensions on going to the woods to hunt one of my lock-ons,because my food plot is under water and I had not been seeing any deer on my food plot where my 'Condo' is. My 5 yr old son Aarron got mad at me for wanting to go to the lock-on, because he wanted to go and the 'Condo' is the only stand I will take him too. Well after 5 minutes of fit throwing , I gave in and told him ok, we will go to the 'Condo' but if we do not see anything this might be last trip he goes on this year. At 4:57 p.m. I saw a doe on the other end of the food plot (a.k.a.pond)I reached for my gun, got it out the window, then grunted, at 5:00p.m. this buck came in, behind the doe. I could not find him in the scope, so I looked back down the food plot, saw him and grunted again. This time I found him in the scope, and fired as he was turning to walk away from me. He was shot with a 7mmWSM at 165yds. After about 30 minutes I went to where he was standing and recovered this 190 lb. 10 point, about 40 yards away. His gross wet score is 143 6/8. Thanks Aarron, for takin' daddy huntin' so he could kill his biggest deer he has ever seen in the woods!

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!!!thx guys!!!

I owe it all to him,and I won't forget that.

I can't tell him that we are not going to see anything there anymore. By the way we been back to the ''Condo" 3 times now, nothing has showed up ,but he told me to be patient and another BUCK might come out. He loves to go, I bought him a 243 for Christmas,(he's kinda timid of it now) but maybe next year he will harvest his 1st deer.

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On camera last yearFor those that like to read: Jan. 4th 2007 I shot and missed a 8 point in a tight spot I was hunting,( no time for a second shot). After the shot he stood there for a second as another bigger buck ran around him and the 2 deer bolted in the woods. For the next three days I lived in the woods until finally killing the one I missed on Jan. 7th 2007 (exactly 2 years between the 8 and 10). Last year I set my camera up in the same spot with a feeder, and hoped for the best to no avail. I did capture this picture though. This is the deer I think ran around the 8 point on Jan. 4th 07, I know this is the deer I killed as a 10 point 1-7-09. I know this because if you notice he is holding his right leg up, the 10 point I killed last Wed. Jan. 7th 2009 was injured on his right leg. In the joint where he bends his leg was the size of a baseball, with scar tissue on both sides. In my mind I have been chasing this particular deer for 2 years.

on camera 12-5-07 as 8point,killed 1-7-09 as 10 point.jpg


Edited by BowTech292
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