Update on Nicole


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Have not posted any updates lately, and have had a few people ask the past few days, so figured I probably needed to post an update. My wife and I really appreciate all the prayers, thank you all, I cannot say thank you enough.

At this point the area(fluid pocket/pockets) still have some fluid and still has a ways to go to be back to normal, but the area has shrunk which is definitely good. She does not really ever complain about it bothering her, it does not hurt unless she bumps the area, which we try to avoid because from what we understand any trauma to the area can possibly cause a recurrence. As long as the area does not grow or is continuing to get smaller we really do not see the need in her having to go through another surgery. So for now things are going in the right direction, which is good news.

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I'm sorry to ask this question but who is she? your daughter?

Yes, she is my 7 year old daughter.

She had a surgery before she was 2 years old to have masses removed from her chest, and had to have surgery again back before Thanksgiving to have more masses removed. There have been some complications with fluid draining and to make a long story short the doctor who we were taking her to wanted to go back in for another surgery right before Christmas to put in a drain tube and relieve the fluid and possibly cut open any pockets that had walled off or encapsulated with fluid.

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