Hunting At School


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Yes, I said it. I'm hunting at school. I just got done grading some papers and when I put them in the "out" box, I noticed some little mouse turds on my desk. mad.gif

This will make the 3rd mouse I have caught in my room in 12 years. And, rest assured, I will catch him. smile.gif

Imagine a room full of adolescents and a mouse runs by while you're discussing the process of figuring payroll taxes. Let me assure you, it's not pretty. Mayhem is a better word.

Anyway, the trap is baited with a little piece of melted cheese and bread off the aluminum foil from my lunch.



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Re: Hunting At School

What are the students going to say when they see you in treestand with your bow....LOL

You could have them attempt to design and market a better mousetrap and of course they would have to hire people, figuring in workers comp insurance, and of course payroll taxes. Prototype designs are due by the next grading period....TODAY grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Hunting At School


Use him for classroom experiments. Or perhaps a class pet grin.gif Or better yet... send him to the taxidermist

4 years ago Watertown built a new middle school. I was on bus duty outside of my classroom when a grouse flew into my window and died. So I scooped her up. The kids all asked what I was going to do with it I simply relied "eat it". I told the kids that anyone who wanted to watch me clean it was welcome to come down during study hall. I had about 30 kids enjoy the learning experience. It was a hoot.

Make your mouse a learning experience wink.gif


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Re: Hunting At School


Sounds like fun are you a high school teacher or what crazy.gif

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Yep, high school business.


You should hold a hunting contest with your students and give extra credit to whoever catches it...

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Great idear!


today's kill......tomorrow's meatloaf. Man I don't miss school lunches.

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Actually, our cooks make trapped mice into McNuggets Eric.


Do you want me to do a shoulder mount of your trophy or a pedestal mount. Would be glad to do it lifesize also!!!!

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If the trap doesn't do its normal hamburger job, the carcass is all yours to do what you will.


sounds like he's at least 4 years old, maybe he'll make the books!

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I'm hoping he's a Poper. We'll see.


Hope your trapping skills are better than your archery skills......... (You know I had to say something.... )

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That little Illinois secret is getting ever so close to coming out.


You could have them attempt to design and market a better mousetrap and of course they would have to hire people, figuring in workers comp insurance, and of course payroll taxes. Prototype designs are due by the next grading period....TODAY

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That sounds like a lot of work Gary. I think we'll just eat a few donuts and drink some coffee.


If the trap doesn't work for you, stay late and spotlight the little booger.

Oh yeah, you should put your trap in the 'outbox'.

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Spot lighting mices is illegal in Ohio smirk.gif

And, putting the trap in my outbox would only trap me. grin.gif


Use him for classroom experiments. Or perhaps a class pet Or better yet... send him to the taxidermist

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The first mouse I caught in my room, I caught under my shoe. (still can't believe I did that) I gave him to a science teacher and he put it in a terrarium. It died 3 days later.

Jerry was a no show last night. Trap was still set.


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Guest MarylandQDMA

Re: Hunting At School

22 TIMES! WOW! I got a moues a few years back trap got him so go I had to get a picture. guess I need to dig it up and post it. you can use it "mice beware" sign.

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