Hunting At School


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Re: Hunting At School



any luck yet?

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I am guessing we will know when he gets it. I suspect we will get pistures of the trap set, location, and of course the dead mouse. grin.gif

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You got that right Jim.

No, no luck yet. mad.gif

And another burned ants hauled my bait away. I checked it today, and I noticed something different about it. Upon closer inspection, ants were crawling away with my bread.

I put the trap where I saw the poop, which is dangerous, because I know at some point, I'm going to forget and snap myself. crazy.gif

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Re: Hunting At School


Just saw on the History Channel that the average female mouse has sex 22 times a day. Better get to work grin.gif


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lol saw the same show...but was the female rat that had sex 22 times a day on average. But I bet mice probably have the same kind of drive.


Anyway, the trap is baited with a little piece of melted cheese

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Chris, you should try peanut butter. Mice can't resist it. Just hunt hard,'ll get 'em!

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Re: Hunting At School

You're going to love this Chris!

Our last weekend of deer season (1/29 & 1/30) we discovered some mice got into our camp. We were in the kitchen cooking and one ran across the floor. On of my buddies that was washing dishes just about soiled his shorts. The next move the mouse made running across the floor my best friend put a heck of a move on him and killed him with his first stomp attempt. shocked.gif I was amazed he could move so quick, bad knees and all. He's 53 years old too. I was impressed!!! That night he bagged the other mouse with one of the traps baited with peanut butter. We've found that peanut butter works a lot better that cheese. We had 2 kills that weekend and he got credit for both. grin.gif

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Re: Hunting At School


Chris, you should try peanut butter. Mice can't resist it. Just hunt hard,'ll get 'em!

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Well, the ants made off with my melted mozarella, so I used a noodle when I re-baited the trap.

I've tried peanut butter with mixed results. Actually for me a Ritz cracker seems to be the best, but I didn't have any crackers at school. I just baited the trap with what I had for lunch those two days.

I think I'll take some crackers to school tomorrow. cool.gif

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  • 3 months later...

Re: Hunting At School *Update*

GOT HIM! ! !


Came into work this morning (my last day before summer break, how poetic), and noticed a distinct smell.

"Hmmmmmm, could it be?" I wondered silently to myself............and sure enough, checked the trap, "Houston we have liquid mouse." laugh.gif Decorum prevents me from posting a pic, it must have been trapped Friday or Saturday as the carcass was crawling with maggots.

Good things come to those who wait.


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Re: Hunting At School *Update*


GOT HIM! ! !


Came into work this morning (my last day before summer break, how poetic), and noticed a distinct smell.

"Hmmmmmm, could it be?" I wondered silently to myself............and sure enough, checked the trap, "Houston we have liquid mouse." laugh.gif Decorum prevents me from posting a pic, it must have been trapped Friday or Saturday as the carcass was crawling with maggots.

Good things come to those who wait.


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Dang Chris, how long did you let that sucker cure? Thanks for not posting pics. You know everybody likes jello and I didn't want to think about your pick the next time I had it. tongue.gif

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Re: Hunting At School *Update*



GOT HIM! ! !


Came into work this morning (my last day before summer break, how poetic), and noticed a distinct smell.

"Hmmmmmm, could it be?" I wondered silently to myself............and sure enough, checked the trap, "Houston we have liquid mouse." laugh.gif Decorum prevents me from posting a pic, it must have been trapped Friday or Saturday as the carcass was crawling with maggots.

Good things come to those who wait.


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Dang Chris, how long did you let that sucker cure? Thanks for not posting pics. You know everybody likes jello and I didn't want to think about your pick the next time I had it. tongue.gif

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Well, like I said Alan, he must have tripped the trap sometime over the weekend, so he could have cured at least 2 days, not really sure.

Took almost 4 months to the day to finally get him.


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Re: Hunting At School *Update*


Was he caught under "fair chase" conditions?

What did he score? As a pick up, will he make the B&C book?

I guess Illinois is not the only home of the big ones.

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Totally fair chase Arnie. Dried up noodles are Ohio approved bait for traps under their fair chase parameters.

His skull scored 3/8"--just missed B&C by 1/32" frown.gif

Lil--bows aren't allowed on school property, so I had to resort to the trap, sorry I let you down PimpDaddysoontobefreshmanmeatforthevarsity. grin.gif

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