The rut late for everyone?


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Has the rut been late for everyone? I have been driving around southern illinois the last couple weekends and have been noticing some big bucks still chasing real hard. I think in the last two weekends I have saw 4 different bucks chasing. When I say chasing, I mean about 10-15 yards from the doe and pushing her all over. The bucks were, Two, 7 points that would go 90-110 inches. One 8 point that would go 115-120 inches and one freak of a 12 point that would easily go in the 170 inch range.

It just seems kinda odd to me that they would be rutting this late. BUt then again I am used to seeing michigan deer with their antlers fall off this time of year. :)

Just curious of what everyone else thinks, or has been seeing.

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No chasing in my area (northwestern part of southern IL).

I'll be in Southern IL (Union county) Saturday for the antlerless only season so I'll know (may know) more then.

Generally the chasing is over by December 1st. The rut was late, but I'm not thinking it was this late.

Could be those does were not bread in November thus the chasing.

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  flyerla said:
No chasing in my area (northwestern part of southern IL).

I'll be in Southern IL (Union county) Saturday for the antlerless only season so I'll know (may know) more then.

Generally the chasing is over by December 1st. The rut was late, but I'm not thinking it was this late.

Could be those does were not bread in November thus the chasing.

Where at in union county? The bucks I have been seeing are in the union county refuge.

When I hunted Michigan I was stuck on knowing the 2 ruts. The first rut was usually in the time frame, November 5-13 and the second rut usually kicked in in the middle of december.

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The peak of the rut here in MS occurred at the normal time and was more defined this year than most years.

It's not unusual at all to see secondary rutting activity occur when does that are not bred during the initial breeding phase come into heat again. This past year's doe fawns will also come into heat during a secondary rutting period too while it's rare for them to come into heat during the initial breeding phase here in MS.

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  Rhino said:
The peak of the rut here in MS occurred at the normal time and was more defined this year than most years.

It's not unusual at all to see secondary rutting activity occur when does that are not bred during the initial breeding phase come into heat again. This past year's doe fawns will also come into heat during a secondary rutting period too while it's rare for them to come into heat during the initial breeding phase here in MS.

The rut was good and strong here this year too, and right on time (Nov 15th). The secondary rut lasted until almost Christmas time, but it's all over now. The bucks here are all hangin out together again now, just like it never even happened.

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  SuperMn106 said:
Where at in union county? The bucks I have been seeing are in the union county refuge.

When I hunted Michigan I was stuck on knowing the 2 ruts. The first rut was usually in the time frame, November 5-13 and the second rut usually kicked in in the middle of december.

I hunt the Trail of Tears State Forest as well as the Shawnee National Forest near Ware IL. Been deer hunting down there for over 20 years now. I've been through the refuge many times.

Figuring out the rut has always been a guessing game for us at deer camp. Everyone generally has a little different take on it. I just didn't see much rutting activity at all this year likely because I didn't see as many deer. What rutting activity I did see was primarily opening day of the shotgun season and a couple weeks prior.

Edited by fly
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  flyerla said:
I hunt the Trail of Tears State Forest as well as the Shawnee National Forest near Ware IL. Been deer hunting down there for over 20 years now. I've been through the refuge many times.

Figuring out the rut has always been a guessing game for us at deer camp. Everyone generally has a little different take on it. I just didn't see much rutting activity at all this year likely because I didn't see as many deer. What rutting activity I did see was primarily opening day of the shotgun season and a couple weeks prior.

I know where they are. Good Luck, I will probably be driving aroung the refuge again lol. :)

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The rut here was pretty weak really. We saw chasing pretty early on, but mostly young bucks, and that continued on all the way into late December. Seemed the peak time here was around the week of Thanksgiving, but even then no mature bucks chasing.

Don't know if antlers are dropping here just yet, hopefully will see what bucks made it through in the next few weeks.

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