Whats Your Reason?


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Re: Whats Your Reason?

My brother turned me on to Nascar during Jeff Gordon's rookie season. Since he was a rookie and I was a new fan and we're pretty close in age, I just started following his career and that turned into me being a huge fan. It just seems that there is nothing he can't do in a car.

There's really only 2 drivers that I hate. Tony Stewart and Kurt Busch. I don't like Stewart because he's far too wreckless and he will get someone killed or he'll be banned from racing before it's all said and done.

As far as Kurt Busch goes, He has to be the cockiest guy out there and that just rubs me the wrong way.

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Re: Whats Your Reason?

I dont hate other drivers, heck I dont dislike them. I rather see Jimmie Johnson win. Yeah he's cocky, but who isn't these days. He's a young driver and a great one at that. They all do racing for a living it's their jobs. I like gordon as well, I think he'll be equal to DAle Sr. But like I was saying this is the work they do, we all are fans and gordon doesn't come to our work places throwing beer cans and cups at us while we are working. Why fans do this I have no clue. Some of those fans need to be ran over a couple times.

Sometimes its hard to watch fans of a great sport to do that to a human being. It's not like he killed someone. Respect and sportsmenship should go a long way even in Nascar.

The only problem I have about Dale Jr, is that he thinks he's God's gift of racing. He's tough and has made a big name for himself, but it seems like all NAScar is really focused on him and only him. There's a lot of great drivers out there that don't get reconized at all. But he's a great racer and will have many fans and probably soon many villians

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Re: Whats Your Reason?

Chrud, I talked about how junior gets too much attention. And you replied back talking about JJ getting all mad when someone touches someone. It seems to me you never read my reply to this topic. I never said Junior gets mad and upset when someone touches him. I'm saying he gets way too much attention. He's good but, not all that great yet, but the media makes him look like he's the king of racing.

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Re: Whats Your Reason?

Junior is the most most popular driver in Nascar. Just face it he is. That is why the cameras are always all over him. He has many, many fans, prob. more than any other driver. He is the most popular so he does get all the attention. Nobody ever said he was the God/King of racing and i doubt Junior thinks that himself, but his fans and other poeple might.

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Re: Whats Your Reason?

When most people think of NASCAR, the two words come to mind...Earnhardt and Junior. Dale Jr IS NASCAR today. He is NASCAR's most popular driver, he tripled the votes that 2nd place Jeff Gordon got. Why wouldn't NASCAR want their most popular driver as their poster?

I never said Junior gets made when someone hits him. I commented on how you said Junior thinks he is racings gift. I think JJ is the worst of it. According to him, rarely are wrecks he gets in his fault. Anyone that touches him on the track should get fired. And if he gets wrecked, those drivers are idiots. I don't recall a Junior interview that bad mouths his fellow drivers that way. confused.gif

The last time he really got wrecked was in Atlanta. He came up in front of Carl Edwards and Edwards wrecked him. Junior said he (JR) was at fault and didn't say anything bad about Edwards. Even said the same thing happened to he and Newman the previous year so he can't get too mad.

Junior SLAMMED into DJ early in the race, costing him 27 positions when DJ lifted going into the corner. DJ said nothing. JJ loses maybe one spot because he and Stewart make contact and JJ's all over Stewart. confused.gif

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Re: Whats Your Reason?

It takes alot for me not to like a driver as I think they all have earned their place in Nascar. Usually when I don't like a driver it's because of continued bad behavior which I think takes away from the sport. One that comes to mind is Tony Stewart but I feel he may be a late bloomer in the maturity department. He'll get there thought.

My favorite is Jeff Gordon. Gordon has gotten alot of flack since he started for being the pretty boy and for not being one of the good ole' boys. They all act like Gordon just put on a uniform and said "I'm going to race Winston Cup" but he started racing when he was about 6 and paid his dues just like many others before him. Just because he isn't from the hotbed of racing doesn't mean he should be respected any less. He did earn 3 of his 4 cup titles racing against Dale Earnhardt and some respect should be shown. He races fairly clean unlike some out there who seem to get into it all of the time. People can say what they like about him but he is a **** good racer.

I also like Dale Earnhardt Jr. and I guess that everyone needs a hero so let them focus on him. I doesn't necessarily equate to him winning championships and if I remember correctly his father ruffled more than a few feathers in his early days and there were many that didn't care for his style. As for the notion that Earnhardt fans are more gracious than any other, I'm not buying it. If Jr won the Daytona, I'd be saying "He ran a great race" as I'm sure any other Gordon or other driver fan would do. Don't act like you are any better because you root for one driver over another as it just isn't so.

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Re: Whats Your Reason?

i'm a gordon fan....but i don't dislike jr.....i'm sure gordon could really care less about how many fans he has...and how many jr has...say all you want about jeff gordon but his numbers prove that he is a great driver and will just continue to add to his trophy collection.

P.s. topics like this are freakin dumb....everytime someone makes a post stating thier opinion someone has to reply back to it stating his and then it just keeps going back and forth and starts getting annoying. if your going to ask for someones opinion don't make a reply every time a person replies who doesn't like your favorite driver...just read and move on...if someone doesn't like a driver FINE thats his opinion...don't sit there and argue like you are going to actually change the persons mind...

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Re: Whats Your Reason?

I'm not a huge Nascar fan, but I

like: Jeff Gordon

dislike: "little E"

Gordon: Respect the way the guy drives, hard to argue with sucess. And he is changing the image of Nascar

Little E: I can explain my dislike for him with one analogy, while playing little league the coaches son got to play short stop and bat 4th in the lineup. Even though there were a lot better players on the team. Sure he wins races, but that's what happens when you get the best sponsors, the best cars, and the best crew all cause of Daddy.

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Re: Whats Your Reason?

Dude, did you watch the 500? It takes a real driver to come up through the pack like he did at the end. You don't finish in the top 5 in points for two years straight by having the best sponsor, car, and crew, you still gotta be one of the best drivers. I respect every one of the Nextel Cup drivers b/c they are all great racers. If you don't have the natural instinct to race, you won't survive, it's as simple as that.

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Re: Whats Your Reason?

Junior started down on the dirt tracks, just like everyone else. He's a 2X Busch Series Champion. He started with Childress in the Busch Series and then went to DEI in Cup. Now, he has his own Busch team. He's done a lot on his own. Dale Sr was only around for his rookie Cup season. He's done everything since February 18, 2001 on his own, with no help from his father.

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Re: Whats Your Reason?


I'm not a huge Nascar fan, but I

like: Jeff Gordon

dislike: "little E"

Gordon: Respect the way the guy drives, hard to argue with sucess. And he is changing the image of Nascar

Little E: I can explain my dislike for him with one analogy, while playing little league the coaches son got to play short stop and bat 4th in the lineup. Even though there were a lot better players on the team. Sure he wins races, but that's what happens when you get the best sponsors, the best cars, and the best crew all cause of Daddy.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll just pretend that I didn't read that because that is not true!!! Sure the name Earnhardt is famous and Dale Sr. is his daddy, but look at Kerry EARNHARDT. Does he have the BEST sponsors or team or anything, no he really doesn't, he doesn't even have a ride in the NExtel Cup. Junior has the talent. Before Dale Sr. even died he had the best sponsors. So you are saying that the sponsors win the races, because you said in exact words "Sure he wins races, but that's what happens when you get the best sponsors" So Gordon didn't win the 500 Dupnt did??? And best cars, well DEI has a history a good cars and there cars aren't always the best. Sure they are ONE of the best at plate tracks but not at every track. If they had the best cars then they would be winning more races. Hendrick prob. has better cars then they do. Yeah he has a good crew, but what does that have to do with his daddy. So your also saying that there are better people out there than Dale Earnhardt Jr. and that he shouldn't be on team DEI??? If Dale Sr. owned DEI, then why would Dale Jr. go to any other team? If Dale Sr. was the little league coach Dale Jr wouldbe on his team. So basically you can't say that Dale Jr. got everything he has from his dad, he didn't get his repsect from other drivers from his dad. He didn't get his talent from his dad. IT IS NOT ALL CAUSE OF DADDY!! So I went out there and raced had the best sponsors, crew, and cars, then I would win because of them. Not a chance, IT TAKES A LOT OF TALENT ALSO!!! Which Dale Jr. has. I just hate it when every says that he is only famous and is only good because of his Dad. mad.gif

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Re: Whats Your Reason?


I like this post. It really shows how Junior fans truely outnumber Gordon fans. grin.gif I've only counted 1 or 2 so far. Could have sworn there were more.

I have to add Greg Biffle to my list too. He did drive a Chevy last year in Busch and probably will next year. He's a good guy and a heck of a driver, when not snake bitten.

[/ QUOTE ]

I like him also. He can drive the wheels off a loose race car! I was hoping Childress would grab him!

No one can fill the void Dale left, and NASCAR seems so lost without him. I don't get real excited about it anymore but I like to attend a race now and then for the atmosphere.

I really admire how Jr. handles the pressure of the fans and all the media hounding. He's a cool dude besides a great driver. Never liked Stewart much, but I'm leaning more towards supporting him since he's matured a lot with the fans and media. I like Harvick and his attitude. When he's got a problem with someone, he takes it out with them and not the fans and media.

The only one that really rubs me the wrong way is Jimmy Johnson. I hate whiners, and he is one of the best!

I also really like Ryan Newman. Wish he drove a Chevy. He can wheel a race car and is all business!

One thing I'd like to see is someone running NASCAR who actually raced. The decisions that need to be made need to come from experience on the track.

I'm definitely old school NASCAR. I really miss the racing!

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Re: Whats Your Reason?

Dale Jr reminds me so much of Peyton Manning.

1. Peyton gets a lot of attention and the league thinks he's the best.

2. Hasn't won the big dance (superbowl)

3.Every year, the reporters and press believe it'll be Mannings year.

4. Once he wins a superbowl, how much more attention will he get.


About the same thing! They remind me so much of each other, searching for a Championship.

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