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Muggs, what gives you, or anyone else to tell me what I can or can't own, or even have the need for? That would be like telling you you don't have any reason for a car, with the availabilty of public transportation. But unlike a car, which is basically a privilege, owning a gun, is a right under the Second Amendment.

I see where you're coming from and this is by far the best agruement you can make for supporting the right to own a fully automatic weapon. I'm all for holding up the Constiution and not bending it what so ever. From that respect, I agree with you.

But I'm arguing that since we do have the 2nd Amendment in place, we have nothing to worry about. Will they make future sales of an AR-15 illegal...maybe, am I okay with that, yeah. This also wouldn't be the first time they've bent the Constitution (Patriot Act, several cases of impeding a persons right to free speech etc... etc...) and I have a much bigger issue with those instances.

You can argue to me all day that the average citizen may need a fully automatic weapon, but they don't. You can make the car or cheesburger analogies, but at the end of the day, soliders go to war armed with fully automatic weaspons, not cars or cheeseburgers and there's a reason for that. The everyday citizen doesn't need access to one. I'd like to meet the freakign gohper that needs an AR-15 to keep him under control.

Should we have the right to do as we choose, of course. But again, we're afforded rights here in the US that the majority of the world is not luckily enough to experience. If I can still take out the old Remington 870 and hunt with that, all while knowing I no longer have the right to own an AR-15...I can live with it.

We're starring a huge national deficit and debt, along with a very sluggish economy directly in the face...and you guys here are going ape over an AR-15 with no substantial proof that that right is even going to be taken away.

Just seems like this paranoia is a little disguided and unnessary...but I guess we should give the NRA credit for getting you guys to follow their agenda- however false it may be.

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I see where you're coming from and this is by far the best agruement you can make for supporting the right to own a fully automatic weapon. I'm all for holding up the Constiution and not bending it what so ever. From that respect, I agree with you.

But I'm arguing that since we do have the 2nd Amendment in place, we have nothing to worry about. Will they make future sales of an AR-15 illegal...maybe, am I okay with that, yeah. This also wouldn't be the first time they've bent the Constitution (Patriot Act, several cases of impeding a persons right to free speech etc... etc...) and I have a much bigger issue with those instances.

You can argue to me all day that the average citizen may need a fully automatic weapon, but they don't. You can make the car or cheesburger analogies, but at the end of the day, soliders go to war armed with fully automatic weaspons, not cars or cheeseburgers and there's a reason for that. The everyday citizen doesn't need access to one. I'd like to meet the freakign gohper that needs an AR-15 to keep him under control.

Should we have the right to do as we choose, of course. But again, we're afforded rights here in the US that the majority of the world is not luckily enough to experience. If I can still take out the old Remington 870 and hunt with that, all while knowing I no longer have the right to own an AR-15...I can live with it.

We're starring a huge national deficit and debt, along with a very sluggish economy directly in the face...and you guys here are going ape over an AR-15 with no substantial proof that that right is even going to be taken away.

Just seems like this paranoia is a little disguided and unnessary...but I guess we should give the NRA credit for getting you guys to follow their agenda- however false it may be.

See Eric, this is just it buddy, the AR's that are in the public's hands are not full auto. You cannot get a full auto weapon legally without a class 3 ffl license.

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Muggs you are information deficient here.

An AR-15 is NOT a fully automatic weapon. The M16 is.

It requires a trigger pull for each round fired...I guess you did not read my previous post when I explained what an AR15 is.

A semi automatic rifle, just like the Remington 7400 or the Bennelli Shotgun. ONLY class 3 Federal Firearms dealers and Class 3 License holders can own fully automatic firearms and that is not what we are talking about. Machine guns, pen guns, cane guns and short barreled weapons( rifles with barrels less that 16 1/4") were regulated in the Gun Control act of 1934. Yes 1934.

The AR15 is only being criminalized by the way it looks.

Our military does NOT use AR15's

"I'd like to meet the freakin gohper that needs an AR-15 to keep him under control."

Haven't you ever seen Caddyshack:D

Seriously Muggs, now that you know the truth about the AR15 does it change your mind now?

It is NOT a machine gun. You really think this puke lib state of NY I live in, would let us have machine guns?

One shot per pull of the trigger.

ATFE should be a convienence store, not a Gov't agency.

For you Muggs. Putting a face to the posts.:D

Now do I look scary? Maybe ugly, but not scary:p

Nothing in my hands is a machine gun. NY legal.

One trigger pull per round fired. They may look like military weapons, they are not. But if we base all of our decisions on looks then who is playing into hysteria?


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Contemplated posting pics too Anthony, don't know if it will help.

But guess a few more pics of the bad black guns could not hurt.

My middle daughter, she was 6 in this pic.


My oldest daughter 12, she has killed a couple deer, and she loves shooting the AR, she would burn up a couple boxes of shells practicing in a couple hours if I would let her.


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Contemplated posting pics too Anthony, don't know if it will help.

But guess a few more pics of the bad black guns could not hurt.

My middle daughter, she was 6 in this pic.


My oldest daughter 12, she has killed a couple deer, and she loves shooting the AR, she would burn up a couple boxes of shells practicing in a couple hours if I would let her.


Nice:) Thats our future right there! Keep em shootin.

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now those are my kind of kids. good post.

muggs, i'm against anyone telling me what i can shoot any animal with. if i want to shoot a coyote with an ar15, good for me. if i want to use my daisy bb gun, so be it. i don't need anyone telling me what to shoot with.

next summer, a group of seals is coming to hunt prairie dogs (about the size of a squirrel) on the ranch where i get my elk. they want no shot under 1 mile. no problem. they'll be shooting 50 cal's. i said prairie dogs. let folks shoot what they want to shoot, without someone telling them what to use. i think i'll have some fun just watching. maybe one of them will be dumb enough to let me take a shot.

finally, your 870 may soon be an illegal gun. the proposed law read "any gun capable of being altered to hold more than 3 rounds...." just remove the plug in your 870, and you have an illegal gun. actually, just the fact that you CAN remove the plug makes it illegal. good thing we had the NRA in place to stop that bill. i think we'll see generous amounts of future bills, each one designed to take away one small freedom with a total effect of taking all our rights of the second ammenment away. time will tell.

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Well it goes back to the basics- The Human Heart. Long before Ar-15's people who wanted to enact vingance and harm upon people found ways to do it. Cain did not use an Ar-15.

The truth is drug pushers, burglers, and thuggs will get there hands on the weapons they want reguardless of legislation. If they need the weapon to do there dirty deeds they will get it no matter the cost.

I personally don't have a need for an AR but would like to own one. I think they are sharp looking guns and would enjoy shooting it. All stricter legislation does is make it harder for honest people to enjoy the sport of shooting.

Liberals have always made issues with Gun owners because there a easy target. (No pun intended). More legislation is not the answer. The answer is personal responsibility. Something the left knows little about.

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I cannot believe that someone would be so foolish to come on here and proceed to tell me what I can and can't, or should or should not, have. This has turned into someone's personal agenda and their underlying desire to control. Their desire to control the American agenda and decide from afar what is best for everyone, when they have not met and barely know who they are attempting to pass judgement on.

Muggs, I don't care what you think I need. Need has nothing to do with it. I've seen the same argument over and over again and honestly you do not control what I need or want. I do. Furthermore, this AR-15 argument has been beaten to death and I have grown tired of showing facts over and over to those who choose to ignore them.

You say the NRA is a propaganda machine. It is what it is. But there are two types of propaganda. Good and bad. I would place the NRA on the good side, and those groups of people who are content with the idea of being able to tell Americans what they need or want, on the bad side. The propaganda is equal.

My suggestion to you is to mature a little and leave the "I just checked my gun cabinet and they are still there" remarks to be said elsewhere. Honestly, I find it boring an uneducated to the facts. If it were me, I would get my head out of the gun cabinet and into the books.

Just to give you one little example of how your narrow mindedness plays in here, the "gestapo style gun confiscation" and the lack of it happening is untrue. It has happened already. One might check the case of gun owners against Mayor Ray Nagin and his Chief of Police.

In summary, you will not tell me what I need, and I would never be so pompous to tell you what you "need."

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When the 2nd amendment was originally written most folks had the finest in military weaponry available at the time. I still believe that it's okay today. What you need to keep in mind is that training and tactics is the deciding factor in most fights. I know that last I knew some countries actually sent you home with your battlerifle and gear after your required military service. I think one of them was Sweden. I'm sure the Israelis have their weapons too. We would be a true world power if we had the same attitude instead of being afraid of having our citizens armed. I'm sure the founding fathers had this in mind. As for Obama. There's going to be alot of disappointed people when they find he really can't fix this mess and that they have been robbed of the bailout money and need to work hard to pay it back. He promised too much. As for my gun purchases. I am carrying a new pistol now for the first time in a long time not because of the presidential choice but because of the rise in crime here from the bad economy. I live in a 55 plus neighborhood and I guess it looks easy to rob us. The 80 to 90 year olds are terrified but there's no way to effectively stop it. Lots of illegals and others just out of work and out of easy options.


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Muggs... the bottom line is, every gun law that is passed only affects law abiding citizens. I do not own a AR-15, but I should be able to. The "scary" black semi-autos are my right to own. If you give an inch on the cosmetics of a rifle, that function the same as a semi-auto hunting gun, then the semi-auto hunting gun, will be next. An AR-15 is not any different than a Mini-14, Remington, Ruger 10-22, accept in appearence. I know plenty of farmers and other law abiding citizens with them and use them on coyotes. If you were asking many people what they thought an assault rifle was, they think they are machine guns.... including ignorant congressmen. We already have plenty of laws in place for machine guns, but they don't stop there. Next, it is semi-autos. Sorry, but we need no more gun restrictions on law abiding people....criminals could give a rats a** what the laws are!

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