a serene scene


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Yesterday I took a walk for sheds and get a little cardio in walking in the deep snow. I didn't find any sheds, but I did sweat up like I wanted.

On the way back to the house, I snapped this pic of a peaceful and serene setting of the stream behind our home. I go here to think every now and then.

This is a freshwater stream that is a tributary to the Hudson river. It gets stocked way upstream by NYS-DEC with browns and rainbows that make it down here from time to time;)

Yes, that is a old railroad trestle anchorage.

A little father down stream, where the pools are way deeper, is where I jumped in the stream to get my son Joe's arrowed deer that was wounded 3 years ago:rolleyes:

Anyone remember that epic? I can't forget it, and I won't let Joe forget it either:p.


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Well, looky there.......It actually worked.

This is a view from the top of our waterfalls in the winter time. It's a long ways down there. I'm surprised we kids ever lived to adulthood with all the climbing around there that we did. I have spent quite a few hours over my life, just sitting around looking at that big hole in the ground. Still leaves me awe-struck.


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