My Second Biggest Set


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I went out last Sunday and had a Great day!! :) Found 5 sheds total,4 fresh and an old one and a dead 8 pointer.Two of the sheds were a matched set and a SWEET set at that.My second biggest set ever.

I did something Sun. I never did before.I found 3 different antlers all off the same deer and all found the same day.

I started off finding a fresh 3pt. side in one area then moved to another area.

It didn't take long in this new area when I spotted tines.It was an old shed in perfect shape with no chews just faded from the elements.







A little bit later I was walking a hedge row between two cut cornfields when I walked up on this dead buck.



I left the dead buck figuring I'd pick it up on my way back covering the other side of the hedge row.Just before reaching the dead buck on my return trip it happened. :eek:

I spotted a shed that stopped me dead.When you spot a GOOD shed there's no second guessing how big it is,you know!!And I've only ever found a couple truely good ones.When I saw this next shed I about fell over.






After seeing this shed sitting next to my first shed found here the old shed I thought they may both have come off the same deer.They're opposite sides so it's hard to tell.

I pick up my sheds and the dead buck skull and move on towards the end of the hedge row.Once there I hang the head in a pine tree for safe keeping.


When I start to head towards the cut corn I spot a shed 10' away.

I don't know how I didn't see this when I first got there.I hung the head and took a pic of the head hanging then when I started to walk away I saw it.

This was from the angle I first walked up on it.




This is from the other side of it.The big pine in the front far left of this next pic is where I hung the 8 pointer.


The pine directly behind the shed in this pic is where I hung the skull.


After my pics of that last shed and making sure nobody saw me almost trip over that last shed laying in the open.I started my search for the other side to that big shed I just found.

To make a long story short I searched for 2 hours all around that area except the direction I had to walk out.I already had plans to come back the next day and search all day until I found the other side.There was more corn to search and further back in the woods the opposite direction.

While walking out I cut the corner of the corn field watching in the corn as I went when I spotted the mate.

Finding the first side it's more shock then anything.Find the mate to a monster side you already found and it's still shock,but now the excitement level is off the charts.I couldn't believe my luck.

This was about the actual distance I spotted the shed from and the angle.


A little closer view.


Closer yet.



From the opposite side.The cut corn in the upper left of this pic is where I searched first,.The hedge row where I found the first half was to the left of it.


After finding this side the same side as the old shed found earlier I knew the 3 antlers all came off the same buck.How often do you find 3 antlers off the same buck the same day.

The 2 left sides together.


All 3 together.


The set together.


And all my finds for that day together.


For those that remember my big set from 07.Here's that set and this new set together for some comparison.If this new set had better tine lenght it would have given my other set a run for it's money.


Edited by deershed
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Awesome PICS!!!!!

I was very impressed!!!

The dead 8point, was that a deer that you all had hunted? Just wondered if it was a deer someone hit and lost, predator kill or car?

I wish here in NY we had sheds that big to look for LOL I guess i don't help since i killed two smaller ones in Bow and Gun.

Great pics and finds, i might try looking this year more than most.

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Awesome Pics........Love the feeling of being the first to pick up an antler that you know no one else has ever touched before.

I found it a bit odd though that you have that many deer shedding already, and without snow on the ground. Where are you roughly? Usually stress would cause an early drop, but your area looks like it would be fairly stress free for this time of the year.

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Thanks guys!!

pendog there was a country road not 200yds away from where that buck was found and the deer cross it all the time.I have no doubt it was hit on the road and ran off.

PotashRLS-I'm shed hunting about 30 miles north of Washington,D.C.Every year there's buck shedding early.Last year was a bad year with alot of the buck holding on late in the season with some right up until green-up.

This year it's been much colder not that we ever get real cold weather.I've seen more shedding early this year over what I normally see,but not alot.

I've been hearing alot of people talking about seeing early shedding this year and not just in Maryland.

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