Plane crash in NY


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That plane flew 900' above the GW Bridge on its descent. Talk about a close one huh?

Geese would you believe it?

A flock of geese took down that plane!

No natural predators, many areas with lush parklands to forage for food. Geese here are resident geese. They have no need to migrate.

If I remember correctly. About 10 years ago at Kennedy airport. FBI shooters were brought in to cull the seagull population. Same issue with birds getting sucked into the engines and causing failures. Seagulls are protected birds of prey, and although permission from the State and Feds were granted to reduce the bird#'s. The protests eventually stopped the shooting of the birds. Maybe some anti's changed their mind about animal population control with this incident.

Amazing no one was hurt.

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great piloting for sure, but i suspect a higher source at work here.

Barak Obama? :confused::D:eek::rolleyes::D

Truly amazing and great piloting for sure. If one of the wings were to have touched the water the plane could have cartwheeled and been destroyed. The pilot is a true professional and hero in my book!!

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I wonder why he didn't land at the airport that the traffic controlers directed him to?

Miracle on the Hudson, I agree. Thank God.

Both engines were out and he was going down...the pilot was a former fighter pilot..America's best...He said he made two passes throughout the entire plane looking for passengers before he exited with the others...God just wanted to show us He is still in control...we'll need that come 1-20-09

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Guest oddg241

Thank God there was no heavy boat traffic in the middle of the river. Can you imagine being in a boat and having that come down on you? If I'm not mistaken, he couldn't make it back to airport without the risk of coming down on businesses or houses.

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Just watched a video of the landing on Fox News. Its not a real close up shot but you can still see it land. BIG splash.

They said some of the passengers could sue. What a shame if they do.

Video from a security camera on the peir was released today I believe. I bet it will be plastered all over the internet.

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I wonder why he didn't land at the airport that the traffic controlers directed him to?

Miracle on the Hudson, I agree. Thank God.

a boing 737 has about a 15:1 glide ration. the pilot had to quickly calculate his altitude v.s. the distance to the airport. he did not have the altitude to make it. next, he's faced with all city buildings, meaning disaster where ever he landed. he made a great (only) choice. he also intentionally landed close to shore so the plane would hit bottom before it sunk. and then, he made a picture perfect, tail down landing. it just doesn't get any better than that.

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Here's a link to some great video and comments on this crash landing ...

The pilot told the controller twice that the plane was too low and slow to make it back to the airport.

Here's a small quote from the link above ..

Pilots are trained to set down near a ship if they ditch, so they can be rescued before they drown or freeze to death in frigid seas. Sullenberger picked the perfect spot. The channel was 50 feet deep and clear of obstructions, but only minutes by boat from Manhattan's commuter ferry terminals. It happened so fast, the pilots never had time to throw the aircraft's "ditch switch," which seals off vents and holes in the fuselage to make it more seaworthy.

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