2009 RT Alaska Moose Hunt


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....Hey, Luke, Silvertip, Flyera, Potash, and Dakota......if you can , it would be wonderful to have you up for this hunt-!

...and JJ......Hey, I've got a GREAT idea....

-why don't you come up, and bring Scott up with you....I'll send you that .338...and you could cover Scott's airfare.....:)

-Yes, that would be great if you could make it.....

-you could help scout, AND carry my pack.....:D

-that's so nice of you, Jim.....:)

-this hunt would be forever touched, by the presence of the Dancing Queen...-I can hear ABBA now....

Edited by aksheephuntress
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...Wow!....-that Google Earth sure is neat, Jeff....

-thankyou for posting these pics...

-and, the Saddle Cabin is one of the forestry cabins around the lake...-the other one is at the other end of the "crescent"...on the Quartz Creek side....where the big bulls are usually found-

-we might have to spend some time traversing the lake via canoe and boat-

-I'll try to post some more pics/links for you all, tomorrow...

-I've been on here for a long time today- I have to get off of here soon....

-here's one...-got it off of "Youtube" a few weeks ago...-thought it was interesting....although the fish these guys caught were incredibly on the small side-(not the norm)

-I don't know who these guys were...but, it is a good clip-

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....Hey, Luke, Silvertip, Flyera, Potash, and Dakota......if you can , it would be wonderful to have you up for this hunt-!

Thank you so much for including me in your wishes, Kathleen, that really means a lot! :) However, as much as I really want to go (I mean rrrreeeeaaaaaallllllyyyyyyy want to go :D:D:D) and add a bear rug or a moose head to the wall, I'm afraid I don't see a way. I'm a college student going to a private University and don't have the money to make it up or pay for a license and tag. I have the time available to do it, just not the cash. :( I'm not the only forum member in a bind though, is there any way for future hunts a Realtree Forum Hunt Scholarship (or something of the like, I'm just brainstorming here) could be formed to help get some members to a hunt they wouldn't have been able to make before? :confused:

Dakota :)

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I'm not the only forum member in a bind though, is there any way for future hunts a Realtree Forum Hunt Scholarship (or something of the like, I'm just brainstorming here) could be formed to help get some members to a hunt they wouldn't have been able to make before? :confused:

Dakota :)

Not a bad idea, except for the fact that you have a few hundred members that would like to have that scholarship. You just need to concentrate on your studies right now, get your degree, get a good job and then the rest will take care of itself.

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Thank you so much for including me in your wishes, Kathleen, that really means a lot! :) However, as much as I really want to go (I mean rrrreeeeaaaaaallllllyyyyyyy want to go :D:D:D) and add a bear rug or a moose head to the wall, I'm afraid I don't see a way. I'm a college student going to a private University and don't have the money to make it up or pay for a license and tag. I have the time available to do it, just not the cash. :( I'm not the only forum member in a bind though, is there any way for future hunts a Realtree Forum Hunt Scholarship (or something of the like, I'm just brainstorming here) could be formed to help get some members to a hunt they wouldn't have been able to make before? :confused:

Dakota :)

...That's actually a really neat idea, Dakota.....

Hmmmm....-you might have started something....:)

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This is going to be a trip of a lifetime,.........and I can't go....:o:rolleyes:

....wish you could find a way to swing it, Randy....

-Oh, and did I mention that the prison here in Seward really needs more correctional officers??

-they are hiring...best paying job on the peninsula...-12 hour shifts; alternating one week on, week off-

-awesome bear and goat hunting right behind the prison...and halibut/ salmon fishing 10 minutes away...:D

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As long as you're behind her Catrina, make sure that you talk incessantly with completely random topics.

It's what she'd be doing to you...................:D:D:D.

Love you Gals.

....:rolleyes:...Oh.....and like, how do you think I felt, when I was sandwiched between you and SteveB. in Colrado, day after day, prior TO and AFTER the election......it was like being subjected to marathon live broadcasts of Hannity and Colmes (or whatever it's called) in stereo....

..........peppered with blond jokes , then some other jokes that I didn't get, and then some more jokes....:rolleyes::D

-yes.....-I do remember the one and only time I was talking your ear off while we were hunting...(everyone knows you're not supposed to talk or make unnecessary noise during the hunt)-BUT.....

-then....I thought some conversation would have a sort of calming effect on you, since you were obviously stressed and in a near state of panic when we were "lost" for a few hours in the dark ,with no moon or light, trying to make our way off of the mountain,negotiating the winding creeks , and stumbling over beaver dams and through cow patties.....:rolleyes:

-I understand your fear of the dark, Jim....-it's all right...-when you get up here in June, you won't have to worry about that at all up here...:D:p:D

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Can a successful hunter donate the meat? I know all the meat has to come out----but after that can I donate to a local family for their winter supply? Flying home a moose would be pretty pricey. CB

...Hi, Bob...-I missed your question at first....:o



-.....yes, a successful hunter can donate meat....

-which ...your question reminded me of an important point...-everyone coming up for this Alaska hunt and gathering will be returning home with plenty of meat and fish...-whether they are the hunter/successful, or not...-will be a group effort...:)

-also....-moose are so large, with so much meat yeilded...-it would be neat if all the extra meat that wasn't transported home with participants....got shared and sent out to other Realtree forum members that would like some....

-we have 4 freezers here at the house....

-whoever wanted to send up the postage, could receive a share of the meat .....(40-lb freezer boxes send really well in the mail from up here, all the time...2-day express)

-Thanks, Bob!....good question you had...hope you can make it!



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....wish you could find a way to swing it, Randy....

-Oh, and did I mention that the prison here in Seward really needs more correctional officers??

-they are hiring...best paying job on the peninsula...-12 hour shifts; alternating one week on, week off-

-awesome bear and goat hunting right behind the prison...and halibut/ salmon fishing 10 minutes away...:D

Don't tempt me! LOL Someday I'd like to see Alaska, I just don't know if i can bring myself to get on a plane. I'm a bit chicken of flying. :o:rolleyes::D I just hope the ones that can swing it take lots of pics for me. ;)
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