2009 RT Alaska Moose Hunt


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...well, I will try to re-size it later, if I can't get this figured out how to resize it from my Photobucket-

-wanted to post a few additional pictures on the forums here before I have to log off-

-I have my first hunter safety class to teach tonight-

-and my first IBEP class I teach is set for May 8th and 9th here in Seward-

-I need to go soon...-but, I sure have missed being here, and hearing what everyone is doing...

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would you mind if I had a bunch of shirts made for the RT moose hunt...-with your moose/ canoe picture on it??

No, I wouldn't mind, but could you use this one instead. It would probably fit way better on the shirts, and more comfortable too.


Edited by buckee
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We watched a show last night (don't know what channel.....sorry) all about Bear Attacks in BC and Alaska.

My wife and daughter had to leave the room, leaving just me and my son to view the carnage............cool.

It was a little over-dramatized as most of the footage was captive bears shreading beef carcasses. Pretty impressive power.

I'm not a-scared though.................I've got the Great Aksheeplesshunter backing me up....................:D:D.

Most bear-human encounters happen to unarmed fisherman and hikers who panic and run instead of standing their ground. But still, if they want you........they've got you. Let's try and see them first. Bring'em on............I'm not a-scared.

Besides..............they're soooooooo cute and cuddely.



shoot the one on the left, jim. he looks bigger:D

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It's all about pack weight, Steve.

Get a bear that size and it'd be a heckuva lot easier to get back to the truck. I can certainly imagine carrying my pack, my bow, my gun, Kathleen's pack, Kathleen's gun and her tired butt back to camp each night. I'm probably going to have to consider taking a small bear, due to the fact that I'll be carrying it as well. Let's hope she leaves her tire gauge, knitting needles, and scuba gear at home for this one.............my back will appreciate it.

Love You Dear.............:D:D:D

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It's all about pack weight, Steve.

Get a bear that size and it'd be a heckuva lot easier to get back to the truck. I can certainly imagine carrying my pack, my bow, my gun, Kathleen's pack, Kathleen's gun and her tired butt back to camp each night. I'm probably going to have to consider taking a small bear, due to the fact that I'll be carrying it as well. Let's hope she leaves her tire gauge, knitting needles, and scuba gear at home for this one.............my back will appreciate it.

Love You Dear.............:D:D:D

...yeah, Jim....-thanks-:rolleyes:...ummmm-


-verrrrry funny.....:rolleyes:

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It's all about pack weight, Steve.

Get a bear that size and it'd be a heckuva lot easier to get back to the truck. I can certainly imagine carrying my pack, my bow, my gun, Kathleen's pack, Kathleen's gun and her tired butt back to camp each night. I'm probably going to have to consider taking a small bear, due to the fact that I'll be carrying it as well. Let's hope she leaves her tire gauge, knitting needles, and scuba gear at home for this one.............my back will appreciate it.

Love You Dear.............:D:D:D


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...I never thought about that, Charlie....

-sounds like a good idea, though-

-this could be a neat way to help out some forum members,somehow...

- I will definitely talk with Buckee first, though-

-a lot of it would be up to him...

Go for it. As long as the shirts get sold to forum members, I don't have a problem with it at all. As long as someone buys me one...LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I talked with Kathleen briefly last night as she had to run one of the girls in for a brownie ceremony, but talked with Terry for about one hour. I have a better idea of what the hunt will consist of. All I can say is bring on the backstraps baby!

I am pumped and really excited to get up there and put one on the ground. Now all I have to do is ............WAIT.:D:):D


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Yeah, Kirk is a nice guy. I can't wait to see him bag a huge moose. Only three months to go now. I got a real nice rain suit for my birthday yesterday. I think we 'bout got all of our gear ordered and set for the hunt.

A good breathable rain suit is really great gear to have in Alaska. I wore my rain suit jacket everyday and Mary did too. A couple of the days I fished, I would have been in serious trouble if I didn't have the rain pants. Even in a cold soaking rain I stayed very comfortable. I wish West Marine made a camo rain suit because that foul weather suit I got from them is better than any of my "waterproof" hunting gear.

Smartwool socks and Underarmor are great base layer stuff.

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I will tell you how ready I am........ License's and tags were bought today! That's how ready I am LOL.;)

Did you get the 7 day sport fishing license too Kirk? Kathleen did say that you all will be doing a lot of fishing. Will be doing the online purchase for the girls license and tags too.

Think we will also reserve seats for the railroad online in advance too http://www.akrr.com/arrc1036.html.

A good breathable rain suit is really great gear to have in Alaska. I wore my rain suit jacket everyday and Mary did too. A couple of the days I fished, I would have been in serious trouble if I didn't have the rain pants. Even in a cold soaking rain I stayed very comfortable. I wish West Marine made a camo rain suit because that foul weather suit I got from them is better than any of my "waterproof" hunting gear.

Smartwool socks and Underarmor are great base layer stuff.

The rain suit we got her is a "natural gear" branded suit, but it appears to essentially be the same as frogg toggs, we found it at sams club at a great price. Unfortunately they did not have one in a size that would have fit Christina. Will likely be going with a frogg toggs suit for her.

Catrina and Christina wear the same size boots, Catrina has 3 or 4 pairs of cabelas ultimax wool socks in medium weights, I have 4 pairs of these socks in my cart at cabelas for them, thinking maybe I should order more of the lightweight socks for them?

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I've never used the Frogg Toggs so I can't comment on how they'll do if they get wet constantly several days in a row. That might not happen on this trip but it is possible.

Socks wise don't go short. Wool works better than most fabrics wet but they all loose performance when dirty. I like socks with around 70% wool content. That's what works best for me. I don't know anything about the Cabelas socks.

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