2009 RT Alaska Moose Hunt


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Dang, now your scaring me, I am pretty ignorant when it comes to camera's. I have spare batteries, and 2 memory cards. Can you load up a card, take it out, then put it back in the camera to download the pics into your pc ? I don't have much of my own memory LOL. :no:

Maybe I should take a spare, throw away, with me !!


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Here's a little tip for you.

Make sure your camera is working properly.

I bought a brand new Sony w120 for my trip. Had close to 650 pics on it as well as several hours of video. When I got home and tried to download them onto my computer, nothing worked. Sent camera and memory stick back to Sony...............they sent me back a brand new camera and memory stick. It appears as though the memory stick "digested itself". All was lost. Oh well...........I still have a few fond memories.

Jim, sometimes pics can be recovered from memory sticks. That is strange about your camera. The wife asked me a valid question yesterday on whether a camera going through an x ray may erase the memory on the card. I honestly never thought about it and don't know the answer. Sending 4 or 5 total cards with the girls.

The 8 gb card I ordered online for the sony w130 never got here.:angry: Was supposed to be in no later than yesterday, so going to have to find something at wal mart in the morning.

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Yes, the more memory cards the better! That is my motto. Especially for such a special journey. :)

That is too bad about those pictures, Jim. Maybe they can be retrieved.

I always make it a point to erase/format the SD cards in the camera after downloading the pictures in the computer. Even when using the card reader on the computer put the card back in the camera to erase.

Edited by ruttinbuc
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Well weather got me out of central Illinois this morning and my flights to Chicago were cancelled. I will be going back to the airport later and trying again.

Only instead of arriving at 1:30 pm I may be arriving at 10:38 PM............ Bummer!

But as long as I make it in tonight at all will be a blessing, I can always catch up on sleep later.

Let's just hope it is not posponed again.


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We live down by Quincy,IL. and Randy always drives to Chicago O'Hare(5 hour drive) and rents a hotel and parks and rides to the airport. It is cheaper that way. He gets a hotel for about 89.00 and he can leave it parked there for 10 days for free and then a shuttle takes him to the correct terminal.When he gets back a shuttle takes him right to his truck. You just pay for one night at the hotel. Then you don't have to worry about using the smaller aircraft. Be safe and Good Luck!


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That really is too bad Kirk, hope the weather cooperates so you can make it out without any problems this afternoon.

The girls were delayed on landing in O'Hare about 35-40 minutes, but they made their connection fine. Catrina called about 30 minutes ago, they were on their plane to Anchorage waiting for their departure.

Hopefully their bags made the connection ok.

Just got a text from Catrina couple minutes ago, they saw our gun case and their checked bag going down the conveyor out the window of the plane and watched it get loaded on the plane.:cool: Their plane was at the end of the runway getting ready to take off towards Anchorage when she sent the text.

Few pics from this morning. Will try to post updates to Christina's blog too http://www.realtree.com/forums/blog.php?bt=695#comment695.



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William ...you should be able to call your honey after she lands. She's not allowed to have the phone on while flying.

They will be in the air for a good little while, Catrina will call here after they land, granted she gets a signal on the phone. Hopefully everything goes ok with them getting their bags and making it to the hotel.

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Hope everyone has a smooth and safe flight .. :)

Catrina complained about their first flight, small plane.

They landed a little after 4 in Anchorage. Talked with Catrina on the phone just a little while ago and she said her checked bag and the gun looked like they traveled just fine.:)

Also talked with Kathleen for a bit and she sounds very excited to get this started.

Hope everyone else makes it in ok.

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So are your nerves a little calmer now William ?? ..

Man Luke, you have no idea bud. When Kirk's call came in about the weather in Chicago I was very concerned/worried about things turning into a mess. Started worrying if the girls might miss their connection and whether or not their flight might detour. I do feel a lot better knowing they are safely on the ground and where they needed to get to.

Now I just need to get caught up on some sleep.:sleep1:

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disgusting listening to all these "flying whimps"... lol. flying is still the best, safest, quickest way to get there, bar none. so stop fretting about the flying part. now, let's all enjoy the hunt...

Only in small, tiny, super small planes in thunderstorms Steve ... lol

I'm anxious to start hearing some hunting news and pics .. :)

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disgusting listening to all these "flying whimps"... lol. flying is still the best, safest, quickest way to get there, bar none. so stop fretting about the flying part. now, let's all enjoy the hunt...

SteveB, you are so RIGHT! WIMPS!

I wouldn't guess how many hours I have had flying and only had a few mishaps! I never had to bail out, but came close! LOL!!

It is more dangerous driving your car to the nearest town!

I hope everyone has a great time!

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disgusting listening to all these "flying whimps"... lol. flying is still the best, safest, quickest way to get there, bar none. so stop fretting about the flying part. now, let's all enjoy the hunt...

SteveB, you are so RIGHT! WIMPS!

I wouldn't guess how many hours I have had flying and only had a few mishaps! I never had to bail out, but came close! LOL!!

It is more dangerous driving your car to the nearest town!

I hope everyone has a great time!

Hmmmm, not sure if this is aimed at Luke or who.:eek::rolleyes::confused:

Was my wife and 13 year old daughters first time ever on a plane, and I was a little nervous. They actually enjoyed the flight from Chicago to Anchorage on the larger plane, and my wife has quite a story to tell when she gets back about that flight and how her being a nurse she was called on for help. The plane they were on from Memphis was apparently a very small plane and it was quite a bumpy ride in some bad weather, probably not the best feeling for them as first time fliers. lol.

I was more nervous about their connection and their bags than anything else. Stepfather was a pilot and he always had small planes and later on ultralights. Flown too many times when I was younger(both small private planes and on commercial flights large and small planes), and agree that it is for the most part much safer in the air than on the ground.

Yeah, someone should start a new thread, just to cover the hunt, now that everyone is there safely.:)

Maybe so Steve, don't know. I will continue to check in here and also in Christina's blog and post updates as I get them. They should all be on the train, and the train should be getting ready to leave for Seward.

The season opens for them on the 20th. They will get settled in today, and everyone will get their tags and anything else they need and get their guns checked out and ready.

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