Update on the girls. (PICS)


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I just threw the blog site up because my wife does such a great job with this I might as well just direct you to there. The other day was Gotcha day for Cadee, it's hard to believe it's been a year already. Our entire China trip is under janurary 08 in there. Wow what a year, Cadee is doing great. Carlee has adjusted pretty good, there are some attention issues but she seems to be working through them. With the little ones alot happens in a year. Hope you enjoy the pics, we will be starting the Chineese New year celebrations here soon. Parties with friends and friends we haven't met yet. please enjoy.


REMEMBER THIS????? http://www.realtree.com/forums/showthread.php?t=68068&highlight=china

Edited by jbeck
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Beautiful girls. Video everything. If i could go back in time i would have done a lot more videoing and taken alot more pictures.

With the digital camera's we have alot of pics. Technology now we just store them on a zip drive and we have years of pics on a thing smaller than a lighter. LOL who would have thought.

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With the digital camera's we have alot of pics. Technology now we just store them on a zip drive and we have years of pics on a thing smaller than a lighter. LOL who would have thought.

Man you've got some adorable girls there, your future holds lots of fending off the boys ... :D:D

As for the ZIP Drive .. trade that sucker in for a Light Scribe DVD Burner and start making some Photo Shows to share with the family members ... With 4.7 Gig and higher capacity DVD'S out there they can hold way more photos and last longer than the ZIP Drives and can be viewed from any DVD player or computer out there .. and another great feature is that you can burn images on the front side for labeling ... ;)

Your wife did a great job on that Blog .. :cool:

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