Arrows too short?


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I have a strange question. I am wrapping up my first archery season and I had a buddy give me 5 Carbon Express maxima hunters in trade for some vinyl work that I did for him. The arrows are about 3" shorter than the Rebels that I had been shooting. I slid the biscuit back to hold the arrow re tuned it and they shoot fine. Is there going to be a problem with me shooting too short of an arrow or will I be fine?


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I am shooting a Bear Showdown, 29"draw 70lbs about 286 FPS. THanks for the advice so far, I was worried about taking a broadhead to the finger but I shoot with a consistant grip and do not think I will have a problem there. The spine is more what I was worried about. Will I gain any accuracy with less arrow mass or is 3" of carbon shaft not enough to effect the flight?

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3" is a lot to take off and will add alot to your spine stiffness. think of taking a pencil and bending it, break 3" off that pencil then try and bend that pencil again. Apply the same principal to the arrows you just got with greater magnitude. Cutting 1/2" off a shaft will affect the whole set up quit a bit. Sounds like to me though, that if you can shoot a 3" shorter arrow and only slide the WB back, you might have been shooting a too long of arrow in the first place. How much shaft is hanging over the WB at full draw, if you've got about 1/2" to 3/4" you might be better off now.

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