i need some decision help


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There are a lot of good bows out there. Hoyt and Mathews have the most publicity, but that don't mean squat. Look at the new High Country or PSE lines. Bear makes good bows as does Parker, Pearson and a list too many to name. You don't have to spend a fortune either. There are a lot of past years bows as well as those being sold by people who have to keep up with the latest and greatest...

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There are a lot of good bows out there. Hoyt and Mathews have the most publicity, but that don't mean squat. Look at the new High Country or PSE lines. Bear makes good bows as does Parker, Pearson and a list too many to name. You don't have to spend a fortune either. There are a lot of past years bows as well as those being sold by people who have to keep up with the latest and greatest...

Great advise. Try them all and see what fits you.

Me, I shoot a Mission bow.

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The old Hoyt just doesn't kill deer any more eh? That's ok, the economy needs a bit of stimulating.

I used to get a kick out of my brother-in-law winning all kinds of indoor tournaments with his nasty old clunky Bear Whitetail against all these guys with their chrome, metal-flecked colorful beauties that looked like some space satellite with their stabilizers sticking out all over and all the other fancy gadgets and trinkets. I had one of those old Bear Whitetails too, and took as many deer with that old piece of junk as I ever did with the fancy (expensive) other bows that I have hanging on the wall gathering dust, including my Mathews that I currently use.

Yep! I understand the urge to get something new. I've got that wall full of bows to prove it. Just HAD to have each and everyone of them. But the fact is that the first one did as good a job of killing deer as any of them.


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Guest TennesseeTurkey
i want to get a new bow and set up this year and what all you guys have to suggest.my old hoyt is just getting way to outdated its like 6 or 7 years old. i herd that some people arnt to impressed with the new mathews you guys herd anything on that issue???? and havent herd relli anything on the new hoyts or bowtecs.

Dude, Go shoot those Alpha Max's THEY ARE SWEET, Shoot a Katera too while your at it then go shoot a Reezen, the Reezen IMO is no better than a Katera....If your a Hoyt man go shoot that Alpha Max!

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Mathews also makes a lower end bow called the Mission...I bought one for my girlfriend 2 years ago and it is one sweet bow...Fast, quiet, forgiving, just an over all great bow. You can pick one up for around $360 and it is worth every penny. Everytime her and i shoot together, it drops my jaw and i wonder why i paid $800 for my XT...lol

Just a suggestion;)

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I just upgraded from a 12 year old high country last year. the bow was just as good as the day i bought it, but i wanted something faster. I think the big question is: how much you want to spend? I picked up a 2 year old fred bear new in the box for less than half price plus rest, quiver, and sights. Like it was mentioned earlier, you can find deals on last years models.......but.....if you got it.....spend it!

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