hakesain another name

Guest shorty785

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geez they just never learn

If its such a huge problem why dont they shut it down till they figure out how to make members who actually use these forums be able to use the chat ... there has to be limitations to who can use the chat. If not it has a huge flaw in the system. If you can ban them you should be able to limit them.


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Guest TennesseeTurkey
If its such a huge problem why dont they shut it down till they figure out how to make members who actually use these forums be able to use the chat ... there has to be limitations to who can use the chat. If not it has a huge flaw in the system. If you can ban them you should be able to limit them.


Because its not fair to us who love going in there everyday, just keep a mod in there most of the time (I know one probably cant be there 24/7).

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If its such a huge problem why dont they shut it down till they figure out how to make members who actually use these forums be able to use the chat ... there has to be limitations to who can use the chat. If not it has a huge flaw in the system. If you can ban them you should be able to limit them.


I gotta agree with Steve here. This has turned into a big pain in the rear and happens on a daily basis. It probably should be shut down until something can be figured out. Yes, it is unfair to those who enjoy going in there daily, but something needs to be done. These "mods come to chat" posts are popping up as much as the "How do I become a pro staffer" and "does Michael Waddell come in here?" threads.

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Doog is right on. Once the person is found out to be a sour apple all that is needed is the ignore feature, nothing else, just the ignore.;)

The problem I have seen is when there is a "bad" person in the chat there are some that try to carry on a conversation and taunt and argue with them. It doesnt work needless to say and then the same people complain to the mods and so here we are.

Come people, wake up and use the ignore feature.

How hard is that to do? Really? NO REALLY?:confused:

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I don't chat...but I can imagine the problems involved. Is there a way to limit participation until a valid member has made a certain amount of posts in the regular forums. By then, we should be able to figure his MO. Just a thought. There ain't no place for these young folks to hang out without trouble showing up!!:mad:

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Because its not fair to us who love going in there everyday, just keep a mod in there most of the time (I know one probably cant be there 24/7).

Well for those of who dont love going in there hate hearing about every spammer or person someone in there doesnt like or think should be in there so now the problem has rolled over into here is my point ... if you leave the room and there is nobody to talk to seems to me he would just go away. He/She is just like abully ignore them and they go away.


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Just to give an example. Mind you, I am a long time member here who used to participate in the chat all the time. That was awhile back. Can't remember seeing it like it was last night. Last night there were no mods in the room. To say the least there were a few people in there not on the member list acting up a bit. Some members took it a bit too far when trying to deal with those acting up. Language, bullying, name calling..the unnecessary stuff.

I won't go into names, but acting like the instigator is the WRONG way to handle it. Hit the ignore button and let the clown talk to himself or just leave the room. These actors like nothing more than to have someone get into it with them. When no mod is there when it happens and the regulars don't want to deal with it... someone say...We're out of here and all leave. Let the perp take his garbage elsewhere.

Edited by ruttinbuc
I am learning
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