Whoa! One crazy drive home!


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So I was in class all morning 8am till noon. Get out and head back home. I'm halfway home, pulling up to a light and a crossroad as a result of a detour, and up ahead of me is a car and up ahead I see a shiny new black pick-up, I think he blew through the stop sign (it's a 4 way stop) and hits this little beat up Jeep Cherokee!:eek: I pulled up, saw everyone was ok, minor damage, everyone on their cell phone already,lol, and in a minute the fire/ambulance dept like 2 minutes down the road had the siren going. So I took adifferent way home. Coming down this road, a beat up pick-up truck coming the opposite way pulls into my lane and driving towards me!:eek: The roads were slushy, I couldn't slam the break ,luckily he stopped at his stupid mailbox and as I went around him, twirled my finger around my head at him!:rolleyes: Idiots, there were 2 guys in the truck! I barely glance in my rearview mirror as I stop at a stop sign and the guy is giving me the finger! UUUAAAGGGGHHH!:eek::eek: I was freaked for a minute, no one followed me home though,lol. What stupid jerks....morons. I'll admit I do that but only when there isn't another car coming, DUUUHHHHH!!!

People wonder why they get into accidents...they don't use the brain God gave them...

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