our soldiers need you


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a couple months ago, tink made a post here about sending archery stuff to our troops. :) i'm almost done getting my box of "goodies" together, and wanted to send another plea for all of us here to these guys.

they need old bow releases, sights, paper targets, and just about anything archery. new stuff is great, too. also please send them old videos of hunting, like monster bucks or whatever you have. this stuff will be going to afganistan for our troops away from home. please help these guys out all you can.

ship everything to:

SFC Brandon Lloyd


101st Airborne

FBO, Salerno Afganistan

A.P.O. AE 09314

thanks one and all:)

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....Thankyou for this reminder post, and the address info, Steve...-

-I was wanting to send a bunch of things over , as well...

-I am including my older Hoyt, and accessories, arrows, and videos....

-I'll get try to get this out tomorrow, or the first of next week...

-Thankyou, Tink...-for all that you have done, and are doing....

-and I want to add that ...everyone should take the time to click on Tink's link on his profile for http://operationbowsandheroes.com/

if they haven't already....

-wonderful endeaver he has going on, here...

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Just had a little tiff with the woman at the post office:mad:

As you know when you ship something international, a customs declaration form needs to be filled out. I wrote on the content description "30 carbon arrows with field tips". She proceeded to tell me our soldiers cannot have items like this. :mad:

I told her it is my money, and if it is undeliverable, it will come back to me. It is going to a archery club for OUR soldiers in Afghanistan. "Whatever sir" and she rolled her eyes:rolleyes:

The tube of arrows is on its way!

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