Trip to SD off


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:mad: WEll my trip to SD for turkeys is off:mad:

The place we were going is not working out, i am not happy!!

I am thinking about another spot to hunt Merriams that won't cost an arm and a leg. Anyone know of a good place in SD for a public land hunt that has a good chance of scoring on birds?


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When hunting SD timing is one thing to keep in mind. The early season and the birds tend to hang lower on the mountains. Weather is also something to keep on mind as I have seen a snow storm shut down roads and stopo all movement going through the black hills. I always liked the Custer area and seemed to always run into birds. Your hunting Gods Country so take a camera and lots of locators that will carry. Being in good shape for walking is also important. I would not worry aboutfinding birds because they seem to be all over the Back Hills. I understand SD is a draw system now if you were not aware of it.

I hunted it twice and was successful twice.

Good Luck


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I'd say around the Custer and Hot Springs areas. I've got a two tag hunt in the Black Hills this year with Jim Zumbo and Pete Brownell; a WY hunt by Sundance and a SD hunt around Hot Springs. It is always a draw system here in SD, but you are guaranteed a tag if you apply for the Hills. I'm looking forward to this hunt and on the way back I might even be able to pop an Eastern gobbler by Mitchell on land we have access to! Cluck cluck gobble gobble BANG!!!!!!!! :D:D:D Good luck!

Dakota :)

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You do have to apply for a tag but it's gauranteed so ya just gotta get that in a couple weeks before hand.

Go public in SD, very very "do-able" . . . look around and do your research. Birds are vocal and they are there, you just gotta get there.


That is one cool pic Cove!!!!

Well an update:

The hunt is back on in a different state!!! See the Prostaff room for the thread:):):) I am a happy camper again!!!

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Here's a featured article written by Steve Beilgard a few years ago that might be helpful... would love to head out there someday and chase birds.

WHOA, there, jason. way to dig..... you can still do this today, although that article was first published in Turkey Hunter magazine about 1985. lots of birds to be had. go for them.;)

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