The good old bucket mouse trap


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Well here at work we have been having some mice trouble in the control room so one of the other guys and I set up the old bucket of water with a can on a wire across the top....add a little peanut butter to the can and sit back and less than a hour I watched the first one take the splash.....first time I have ever used this kind of worked great!....any of you out there use this kind of trap for mice?.....and yes it is a slow night....just sittin around waiting for mice to fall into a bucket:D:D:D

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One little mousy, two little mousies, three little mousies! LOL!!

To funny!

Love the Wolfe Island sig. I & my son use to head to Wolfe Island every year (about 10) in Sept to fish for Northerns/smallies/ & walleye. Loved to stay at the Hitchcock House and listen to Jan share his wisdom. Sure miss taking the trip !

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I can think of two types of this trap, one where you put a can on a wire like this (and when the mouse crossed the wire to get the peanut butter, his weight rolls the can and he goes in the drink to drown) and the other a little more elaborate with a string and a ping-pong ball as the bait over the bucket with a stick leaned up like a ramp, ALMOST close enough to reach the peanut butter on the ball...


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