Electronics to make you think


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This gives us something to think about with all our new electronic technology. Who would ever think.......


A couple of weeks ago a friend told me that someone she knew had their car broken into while they were at a football match. Their car was parked on the green which was adjacent to the football stadium and specially allotted to football fans. Things stolen from the car included a garage door remote control, some money and a GPS which had been prominently mounted on the


When the victims got home, they found that their house had been ransacked and just about everything worth anything had been stolen.

The thieves had used the GPS to guide them to the house. They then used the garage remote control to open the garage door and gain entry to the house. The thieves knew the owners were at the football game, they knew what time the game was scheduled to finish and so they knew how much time they had to clean up the house. It would appear that they had brought a truck to empty the house of its




I never thought of this.......

This lady has now changed her habit of how she lists her names on her mobile phone after her handbag was stolen. Her handbag, which contained her cell Phone, credit card, wallet...Etc... was stolen. 20 minutes later when she called her hubby, from a pay phone telling him what had happened, hubby says 'I received your text asking about our Pin number and I've replied a little while ago.' When they rushed down to the bank, the bank staff told them all the money was already withdrawn. The thief had actually used the stolen cell phone to text 'hubby' in the contact list and got hold of the pin number. Within 20 minutes he had withdrawn all the money from their bank account.

these are two stories my teacher sent me.....man that sucks

Edited by MichiganHunter
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I doubt these actually happened. The GPS one sounds logical, but the cell phone one doesn't add up to me. How would they know what name in her cell address book was her husband's?

I know I don't have my wife's number stored in my phone under "wife" I have it under her first name...along with a bunch of other first names.

I guess if they looked in the call history and saw a bunch of calls to the same name you could figure it out, but there's still a ton of other questions. One, how would the theif know the purse belonged to a married woman? How would the theif know they had a joint account?

These stories get dreamed up and with the internet they get passed around...just playing on our paranoia. Pretty creative thinking though.

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