My Weekend Project *Pics*


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We had plans this weekened.... Um err, I had plans. My wife had other plans. And she won... :rolleyes:

We added on to the house when we bought it roughly 4-years ago. We added this tub to our master bedroom. It's been framed in and running for quite some time. Ive just never taken the time to finish it out. I was off Thursday - Sunday last week so my wife "convinced" me to finish the thing finally. :D

Here is the before.....


and countless splinters, saw dust all over the house, hours of cleaning up, and a 2" brad shot through my finger and into the bone later..... The finished project. However, it does look pretty good so im happy we finally got it finished. Now I just need the flat screen to replace the old boat anchor of a tv. :D


Edited by Jeramie
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