Wounded Warrior Hunt at Tinks Jan 2009


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While I was packing up to attend the 2009 SHOT SHOW in Orlando two wounded Sky Warriors from the 101st Airborne Div ft Campbell arrived at my doorstep while they were getting Medical treatment at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio. I set them up with 2 parker Crossbows as they cant pull bows any longer. SFC Todd Shaw, the thin skinny man was in 17 IED Explosions and was shot once. His last IED broke 11 vertebrae, and he faces many more operations to put titanium steel rods and re- bar in his spine. He got an fromthe regiment commander award for making the first combat kill when they arrived Iraq with a confirmed 400 yard kill on a sniper dude on a roof top that was shooting at them. SFC Ronnie Gullion is a 21 year Army veteran and contracted Hepatitis Iraqi Army Strain found in Members of the Saddam Army. Ronnie was sick for years from handing Iraqi corpses on battlefields ( he was a medic) and finally they said he was going to die if they didn't get a Kidney Donor soon. His liver is shot and he can barly fumction at times. He got hit on his wives MC sittiing still at a gas station by a drunk in a truck and broke his: legkneeAnkleFoot and was flat on his back for 90 daus and gained a lot of weight he is on everyones list waiting for a liver donor Ronnie sleeps lot as his blood is bad and he lost a lot of hunting time. When I returned they had shot a Axis doe that had a broken leg and the front leg almost chewed off by coyotes. it carried a full term axis Fawn too. it was a mercy killing. Ronnie later shot a boar at the pix of the blinds hit at 80 yards running with a .308Win Model 7 Remington carbine I loaned him I can't start to tell you what a great time we all had esp me. they presented me with some special 101 Airborne Div Items and some Unit Coins. I am honored by this This was a Project of Operation Bows and Heroes.Com if any one wants to help Send your old bows arrows & releases to them in Afghanistan, I will give the the APO address to send the bows over by US Mail We have started the Salerno Archery Club at Fire base Salerno in South Afghanistan. I will be heading over this spring to train and bring bows over. Thanks and God Bless America's Wounded Heroes. Tink NathanExec DirectorOperation Bows and Heroes.Com











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More PixFew More pix the week at Tinks The Blinds were for the Boar hunt and the owners Booze is seen for long night shooting hogs in the dark I am SGT AT ARMS of American legion Post #583 and I took them to a meeting and they spoke and met the old soldier and the wives of dead warriors that served in prior wars they were given very warm welcomes the Boys had a blast I am proud to know these brave American heroes.











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A Lot of People HelpWhen they showed up on short notice I really had to make call as I would be gone for most of they time they were here here are some More Pix Thanks for your kind Comments #1 TexasBowGoddess#2 Ultrafit Gym They drooled when they say all that gear#3 Dr Jon Chancellor Played All American Bowl game for Baylor # 52 Sports Med MD Amazed at how well Todd Shaw is doing #4 TV Pastor Del Way at Calvary Temple Church were we worship#5 Doyle Dyke's perhaps the World finest guitarist Tink











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