Crossbows are coming to PA


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Crossbows are coming to PA for use during the regular archery season. The committee just voted on it, 4-3 in favor. There can be no magnifying sights and there is a sunset provision where they will be voted on again in 2012. The use of crossbows really doesn't bother me. I personally will not use unless I can't pull my bow back but I'm not against others using them. I'll hunt how I like to hunt and you hunt how you like to. :cool:

BTW - I did not start this for a debate so please don't start bashing Xbows etc.

Edited by 007hunter
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  007hunter said:
Crossbows are coming to PA for use during the regular archery season. The committee just voted on it, 4-3 in favor. There can be magnifying sights and there is a sunset provision where they will be voted on again in 2012. The use of crossbows really doesn't bother me. I personally will not use unless I can't pull my bow back but I'm not against others using them. I'll hunt how I like to hunt and you hunt how you like to. :cool:

Good for you! I wish you all the best.

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in a way i like it and in a way i dont cause in some places there just aint the deer population like there use ot be now thats just another way to kill more deer come on i hunt mtns and farm land and in both places i have seen deer population drop in the last 5 to 8 years i been hunting befor when we woul go to the cabin it woull be nothing to see 10 deer a day for years now were lucky to see one doe and once in a few years a good shooter buck i think only people who cant pull a bow back should be able to use them now i dont like the idea

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I for one commend PA for setting aside the politics and used plain old common sense about another means to hunt ... :cool:

I don't know if anyone happened to catch the Archers Choice this sunday at 12:00 ,, but Ralph Cianciarulo said it best when he answered a email on the topic of the use of a crossbow ... I won't quote him here but I definately agree with him on this topic ... You the MAN Ralph .. :D:cool:

If anyone is interested in what Ralph had to say it's Episode 4 ... Maybe Gary can help ya out with that ... ;)

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  007hunter said:
Crossbows are coming to PA for use during the regular archery season. The committee just voted on it, 4-3 in favor. There can be no magnifying sights and there is a sunset provision where they will be voted on again in 2012. The use of crossbows really doesn't bother me. I personally will not use unless I can't pull my bow back but I'm not against others using them. I'll hunt how I like to hunt and you hunt how you like to. :cool:

BTW - I did not start this for a debate so please don't start bashing Xbows etc.

Same here! Ill keep using my bow until I can no longer pull one back! ;)

  GWSmith said:
I think it's great and will probably help keep more hunters interested for a longer period of time. I wish the state of New York would open thier minds a bit on the subject!

Thats what I say too! I personally don't care what is used as long as its legal where you hunt!

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MS just had a new bill propose to legalize crossbows (SB3147) that's sponsored by the Chairman of the Senate Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks Committee so it will get some serious attention this year since he sponsored it. The MBA is all up in a tizzy about it.

I personally don't care one way or the other if it passes or not. Crossbows have their advantages and disadvantages when comparing them to modern compound bows. I'll keep using my bows as long as I can pull them back anyway.

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  ruttinbuc said:
Whatever, Chris. I am not bashing nothing and I am just expressing my opinion. Just the way it is.

Ruttin...........I think Chris was just stating that it doesn't hurt the deer hunting any and it is a great way to get more hunters into the woods. We are actually hurting for more hunters so implimenting this would be great for the sport of hunting. I am an avid bowhunter and myself choose not to hunt with a crossbow but that doesn't mean I don't want more people to not take up hunting. It's all in our choice, so please don't take any of this so personal and turn this into a big debate.

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  stevebeilgard said:
i like them for any archer not able to pull back a bow.

Already had that here in PA........that was fine. You could use them in the general deer season and that was fine too.

I don't like it. :mad:

The PGC has already exacted a herd decimation program here that is, sadly, working quite well. What you've gotta understand is that PA has got about as many bowhunters as most states have hunters. This is just another nail in the herd's coffin. Maybe a smaller nail. But a nail.

Don't particularly agree with lumping them in with the real bowhunters, either. You can argue the technology side of modern compound bows all you want. The crossbow is to bowhunting what tee-ball is to baseball. There's no learning curve to the use of the weapon whatsoever and there is no challenge of drawing the bow when the deer is in range. Not too many riflescopes on compounds, either. Just like a lot of other things the PA Game Circus has rammed down our throats whether we wanted it or not. :mad:

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Don't know Don, many would argue as to where the challenge is in shooting an animal at 600 yards with todays rifles and scopes that are available today .. not much of a learning curve there either .. ;) Or the evolution of todays Muzzle loaders that can reach out to ranges of 250-300 yrds .. :eek:

Just an observation.

I can out shoot my father-in-law and my father with their crossbows ( both being exceptional shots ), especially at longer distance shots, and my father-in-law shoots one of the best ones made IMO, the 10 point laser ... ;)

PS ... Don't fire me either ... BOSS

Edited by VermontHunter
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If I had a vote, I would probably vote no crossbows during regular bow season, but it doesnt upset me greatly either. I would really question if leagalizing crossbows is going to increase hunter numbers (which I am all for) or if it is just going to turn some gun hunters into crossbow hunters.... I seriously dont see many seasoned bowhunters going crossbow, nor do I see many nonhunters suddenly getting the urge to hunt just because another weapon got legalized....just my oppinion.

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I for one commend PA for setting aside the politics and used plain old common sense about another means to hunt ...

Yeah but it took em' forever to realize that they didn't have to kill deer with just a flintlock either! :D

I have no problems personally with crossbows.....just prefer a compound myself. Congrats to PA on the archery issue anyhow...

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  LifeNRA said:
Same here! Ill keep using my bow until I can no longer pull one back! ;)

Thats what I say too! I personally don't care what is used as long as its legal where you hunt!

Im feel the same. If the day comes that I cant pull a bow back, Id have no problem using a crossbow. Nothing will keep me out of the woods in November.;)

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  Strut10 said:
Already had that here in PA........that was fine. You could use them in the general deer season and that was fine too.

I don't like it. :mad:

The PGC has already exacted a herd decimation program here that is, sadly, working quite well. What you've gotta understand is that PA has got about as many bowhunters as most states have hunters. This is just another nail in the herd's coffin. Maybe a smaller nail. But a nail.

Don't particularly agree with lumping them in with the real bowhunters, either. You can argue the technology side of modern compound bows all you want. The crossbow is to bowhunting what tee-ball is to baseball. There's no learning curve to the use of the weapon whatsoever and there is no challenge of drawing the bow when the deer is in range. Not too many riflescopes on compounds, either. Just like a lot of other things the PA Game Circus has rammed down our throats whether we wanted it or not. :mad:

Big freakin diddo on that one. Of all the things the PGC could do, this is the one thing I hoped I would never see. Good bye to my favorite time of the year. My woods are going to be swarming with crossbow hunters all of archery season now.:mad::mad::mad::mad:

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  VermontHunter said:

Just an observation.

I can out shoot my father-in-law and my father with their crossbows ( both being exceptional shots ), especially at longer distance shots, and my father-in-law shoots one of the best ones made IMO, the 10 point laser ... ;)

I didn't want to bring that up either, but just because it is shaped like a gun doesn't mean it shoots like one. I've out shot several X-bow shooters with my compound bows.

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