it is SNOOOOWWWWING here!!!

Heavy Metal

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  NY_Bowhunter14 said:
we are "supposed" to have 10" by this time tomorrow here.. but you all know how accurate weather forecasters are...
no kidding....ALL DAY yesterday they said "IT WILL BE SNOWING BY 7PM" Well, went to bed at 10....nothing....woke up this morning...not a drop. But it's coming down now...headed your way too I think!:eek:
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  Tominator said:
Started coming down pretty good about an hour ago here. Supposed to get 6 to 10 here.

Got mostly freezing rain here. Barely got into my wife's vehicle this morning. Everything is shut down, probably got close to 1/2" of ice, now it's snowing like no tomorrow. Big huge fluffy flakes. :cool:

Oh, and no school btw. :D

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It's been snowing here since November, to be honest I am getting really sick of it!!! We are supposed to get another foot today.

Here is a picture if my snowblower from the other day in my driveway. The snow was over the schute of my blower.

We are very close to 200" of snow so far this year btw and we are not even to the end of January yet!!


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  stevebeilgard said:
well, enjoy your snow plowing. but don't wait. do it now. you may get lucky and be able to plow it twice.... lol
LOL...actually think about these kind of things! I'm gonna be TICKED if one of my neighbors gets all "good Samaritan" on me and plows it before I get home!!!:mad::mad::mad: That happen to me last year and I NEVER got over it.
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