Weatherby SA-08


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Anyone have any experince with this gun? I looked at one at Academy the other day, and I liked the way it fit and felt. Best fitting gun I have handled so far. My biggest concern is that it is made in Turkey. Seems like ALOT of guns anymore are though. I have done a search for it, and can't find much. Curious if anyone here may have some say so on it

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Shot one at the local trap club. Seems like a nice gun. If Weatherby put their name on it as the importer, it can't be all that bad, as they will have to deal w/ the warranty issues. Besides, good fits on a shotgun don't come along everyday....Good luck, Eric

That's what I am thinking. I need to check the fit of my old Win 1400 and see how it fits. I want something that is gonna fit me like it. How was the recoil? It's ALOT lighter than my old sled, but it felt OH SO GOOD!!!

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Shot it with trap loads only. Not much of a real test, but I can say that it hit where I pointed it...I would say it was on par with any other autoloader shooting trap loads. For me though, Remingtons just FIT, so that it what I stay with. Tried the 935 and absolutely loved it, it just didn't "fit" in late season clothing like my 1187 did, so I sadly traded it in, but after a few months with the new to me 1187, I don't regret it one bit, especially the last day of duck season where I had to wear the heavy clothing!

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