Do you remember when Ross Perot said that .....


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Do you remember when Ross Perot said that NAFTA and world trade would cause a "giant sucking sound" of Ameriacan jobs going to Mexico and other 3d world countries? Is todays economy caused from passage of NAFTA, world trade and such? I think far too many jobs have left our country. Don't you agree? Have our politicians sold us out? I think much of what is happening today are the ramifications of NAFTA and world trade. Just seeing what others think on here...

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Here in the United States we have based our economy on buying and not producing. Some how the government has come to the conclusion that all we have do to is spend and the economy will be fixed and the government is poised to spend another 8 billion dollars in tax payer money to prove it. They seem to think that low paying retail jobs are all we need to purchase products made in some other county that used to be manufactured right here in the United States. Our county is flat broke and we are going to fix it by spending money we do not have. Has NAFTA and world trade as a whole hurt us? No. Greed and stupidity was all it took.

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i remember that little weasel. in hindsight, he is a democrat who did his job perfectly. he got votes away from bush, and helped clinton. he actually did an interview in the middle - late '90's and laughed. anyway, it's not nafta. we had a good economy. we, and bush, simply spent more than we had to spend. bush was a big spending, liberal republican. obama is a big spending, liberal democrat. what's the real difference. we need conservatives running things for a while, like newt did with the first 4 years of clinton. and lets face the facts.... the president doesn't run the country, the senate and congress do.

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Has NAFTA and world trade as a whole hurt us? No. Greed and stupidity was all it took.

It most certainly did! Because it was the greed and stupidity of our politicians thinking of themselves and not the country or the people that live here!!!


There saying in a few years, unemployment will be at an all time high. How are these people going to survive!

Edited by LifeNRA
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The "Little Weasel" (Perot) as you call him, knew what he was talking about! I voted for him... maybe more Democrats should have voted for him. I am sick of people blaming the democrats and the others blaming the republicans! I am just sick of politicians from both sides, democrats and republicans representing what the money and paid lobbyists tells them to do! We have taxation without representation! Both sides embraced NAFTA as did Bush. Quit all the fingerpointing and repeal the thing! Bush also wanted to bring Central America into the same type of thing. The citizens were opposed to NAFTA, but they did it anyway! NAFTA and world trade has ruined the economy and our country, sending jobs overseas and to Mexico, just like Perot said it would. It is time to cross party lines and vote for someone other than a democrat or republican! And I did! So I am blaming those who didn't vote except by party lines instead of voting for Perot.

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The "Little Weasel" (Perot) as you call him, knew what he was talking about! I voted for him... maybe more Democrats should have voted for him. I am sick of people blaming the democrats and the others blaming the republicans! I am just sick of politicians from both sides, democrats and republicans representing what the money and paid lobbyists tells them to do! We have taxation without representation! Both sides embraced NAFTA as did Bush. Quit all the fingerpointing and repeal the thing! Bush also wanted to bring Central America into the same type of thing. The citizens were opposed to NAFTA, but they did it anyway! NAFTA and world trade has ruined the economy and our country, sending jobs overseas and to Mexico, just like Perot said it would. It is time to cross party lines and vote for someone other than a democrat or republican! And I did! So I am blaming those who didn't vote except by party lines instead of voting for Perot.

The problem with voting for a third party candidate is the same as it has always been. Basically not a chance is hades of that person winning. Ask any political scientist, and they will tell you that a third party candidate is not really there to win, but to get their platform/issue heard. The reason Clinton spent 8 years in the White House is because Perot took votes away from Bush 41. Maybe he did know what he was talking about, but instead of running as an independent, he should have ran as a Republican or Democrat, but he was also smart enough to know that he wouldn't have gotten the nomination going that route. The problem is bigger than NAFTA or CAFTA, or Bush or Obama or Clinton.

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The problem with voting for a third party candidate is the same as it has always been. Basically not a chance is hades of that person winning. Ask any political scientist, and they will tell you that a third party candidate is not really there to win, but to get their platform/issue heard. The reason Clinton spent 8 years in the White House is because Perot took votes away from Bush 41. Maybe he did know what he was talking about, but instead of running as an independent, he should have ran as a Republican or Democrat, but he was also smart enough to know that he wouldn't have gotten the nomination going that route. The problem is bigger than NAFTA or CAFTA, or Bush or Obama or Clinton.

you got it, marc. perot took 22% of the popular vote, and that put clinton in office. perot did an interview in 1996 and said he voted for clinton both times. his job was to steal votes from conservatives, and he did very well. the little weasel.:mad: simply put, perot's job was to help the democratic party, and he very successfully duped lots of conservatives.

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