Military and Retired Military Health Insurance


Recommended Posts about to increase...or so that's the intent. Now that we have a "new regime"...they're back at it again. A plan to increase 'co-pays' by active duty members is on the table. This increase will affect active duty, dependants, and retired personnel. In addition, part of the plan includes a "payment" to use a military hospital. In a nutshell, your deductibles will increase, whether active duty, dependant or retired...and you will have to pay to go the clinic at the base you work at. IF this bill passes that is.

Anything they can do to round up that 300mil for Al Gore's paycheck.

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You have any further information or a link? Going to have to research this a bit.

Military members should receive the same benes that our wonderful lawmakers in Washington have in my opinion. Part of Obama's platform for getting him elected was on his plans for healthcare, what gives here, is Obama aware of these changes and what is he going to do to fix it???

Starting with taking care of those who take care of us is a good place to start in my opinion, somehow this does not look so great, sure hope it is not a sign of the "changes" to expect. Making cuts there or changing their benes in a way that does not favor them is ignorant(lack of better words appropriate to use on this forum) in my opinion.

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A little background...and definition for those not privvy to military healthcare. "TRICARE" is a healthcare plan provided by "Healthnet", an insurance company. It is a contract for military/dependants and simply called TriCare. There are 'three' different elections under the plan...Tricare Standard, Tricare Remote, Tricare Prime. Three options...hence the "tri" in TriCare. The guys and gals are gone from their families more than a hunting show TV host...come on man!

Below is a link to the proposals or considerations that Congress will or is taking a look at right now. It's a little large, so enjoy reading. Options 95,96,97 affect military....or will if passed.

On December 18, 2008, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a major report entitled "Budget Options, Volume 1: Health Care at which sets forth 115 policy options for Congress to consider as it addresses health care system reform. Several options in the report directly relate to TRICARE (numbers 95-97): Increasing healthcare cost sharing for family members of active-duty military personnel; introducing minimal out-of-pocket requirements under TRICARE For Life; increasing medical cost sharing for military retirees not yet eligible for Medicare. The options:

§ Increase health care cost shares for Family Members of Active-Duty Military Personnel. Though a $500 allowance may be available to active-duty military members and their dependents to help off-set TRICARE costs, Prime enrollment fees and copayments would increase, to include charges for military treatment facility care.

§ Introduce Minimum Out-of-Pocket Requirements Under TRICARE For Life. Under this option, TRICARE won’t cover a TFL beneficiary’s liability for Medicare cost shares up to a certain dollar figure meaning TRICARE would not act as second payer until this amount is paid by the beneficiary.

Also, TFL beneficiaries would be charged for services received at military treatment facilities.

§ Increase Medical Cost Sharing for Military Retirees Who Are Not Yet

Eligible for Medicare. This option would raise TRICARE Prime enrollment fees, copayments for retirees and implement an enrollment fee for those using TRICARE Standard.

Focus for military is on:

· TRICARE beneficiary costs will rise significantly

· TRICARE for Life beneficiaries will experience greater out of pocket expenses.

· Retirees will pay more for Prime and now have to pay for Standard.

Edited by EricF
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This is part of the change we are in for.

Being retired Military I am watching this closely. While we are at war the reenlistment % continues to drop. People are not staying in. Now lets take there major benefit and hack it up. We are in for a long ride.

My suggestion is that everyone that voted for change, change their uniform to one that says US on it, grab a gun and fight for what you voted for.

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