What do you shoot? Carbon or Aluminum.


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I love heavy arrows and carbons are just not cutting that mustard for me. I have only broken or bent 1 aluminum arrow (on a doe) in all my years of hunting. That was the only none pass-through I ever had and it broke in half. I have bent a few shooting leagues but not nearly enough for me to worry about it. I end up refletching my arrows before I bend enough to have to buy more.

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2219 aluminums here. Some of my arrows were my dads and are over 20 years old and still shoot like brand new. I might ruin or lose 4 or 5 a year, but replacements, ready to shoot with knocks and fletchings, are only around $5 a piece.So for around $20 a year i can keep 18 in my case.Way cheaper for me than buying 18 new carbons.

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I switced about 5 years ago when I bought a new compound bow (now one of my backup bows). I also shoot carbon arrows with my recurve. The vast majority of my bowhunting now is with my Bowtech bows.

Why? If you practice a lot like I do it's cheaper in the long run to shoot carbon. I've dinged or bent as many as 6 aluminum arrows during a practice session.

I still shoot aluminum with my old High Country Supreme bow, when the occasion comes that I just happen to break it out for old time's sake but that's because I still have about 6 dozen aluminum arrows left for it.

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I shot those 2317 logs up until 2000 when I purchased a Mathews Q2. I love those XX78's that you have. Very good arrows. If they work for you then don't switch. Nothing wrong with aluminum at all. I've shot Gold Tip, Easton ACC's, Beman Hunters, and currently shoot the Beman MFX. I'm seriously considering switching back to ACC's for My Switchback XT. I feel that the ACC's are likely the best arrows going now a days, but there is certainly nothing wrong with the others.

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I am sometimes told I'm in the stone age because I still shoot Aluminum Arrows yet. I shoot Easton XX78 2317s aka to my friends as the silos :o. What do you shoot and when did you switch away from aluminums?

ccwhitey's dad used to shoot aluminum arrows before he got his new bow and we called them "the canons" :D

I shoot carbons though. I mainly just like the way they shoot and you don't have to worry about them bending. One tiny bend that could escape the eye on an aluminum arrow can throw a shot off where as on a carbon, it's either straight or it's broken. If the aluminums are working for you though I wouldn't switch. Heck your friends gotta have somebody to razz!!!!:p:p:D:D

Edited by Bowtech_archer07
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I shot 2213s for years and years. didnt make the switch till last year when i got a new bow. Nothing wrong with aluminum, but carbons take bending better. I did shoot 2 deer this year though that the arrow broke as it passed through the deer. Rarely had that with alum arrows, they were more likely to bend on pass-through than break, but probably just coincidence. I may change my mind on the subject after a few more seasons. If you like your alum, then keep 'em

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You'll be surprised how much straightness you loose on aluminums in practice. You might start with an almost perfectly straight aluminum arrow. But they don't stay that way.

Carbons are what they are straightness wise until they break.

I've also found Carbons are less prone to rest screech than aluminums.

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What do you shoot and when did you switch away from aluminums?

Blackhawk Vapors...I switched the second or third time to the range after I bought my first modern compound bow.

I had been shooting 2216's and made the mistake of shooting a carbon arrow once.

It seemed to me that it only took the carbon arrow half the time to get to the target face....."I'll take a Dozen of these right here...who do I make the check out to Sir";)

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