What do you shoot? Carbon or Aluminum.


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I have been into archery a long time, and have accumulated a lifetime supply of a whole variety of aluminum arrows. The way arrow prices are, and the fact that aluminum arrows kill deer just as dead as carbon, I really have no need for throwing money away on something I already have.

In other words.......I'm cheap!


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I tried carbons in 1998 and never looked back. They fly straighter and don't oscillate like wood or aluminum so they fly better with broadheads and hit the target square which means more penetration. You must inspect them for cracks religiously so you don't get hurt but that's the only drawback. The first year I used them I shot a little buck and thought I missed him because all I saw was the arrow sticking in the ground behind him after I released. He staggered off and fell over. Aluminums didn't passthrough like that. Both deer I shot this past year were pass throughs or zip throughs because it happens so quick.


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My old PSE loved aluminums, and I couldn't justify the cost of carbons. Fast forward 15 years, and now carbons have come down in price considerably. Also with aluminums, I was CONSTANTLY straightening them after practice. When I bought my new Bear, I had to get new arrows since I went up in draw weight. I bought carbons since the price for the cheaper Easton carbons was the same as the alloys. I'll never go back! No more bent arrows from pulling them from the target. No matter how hard you try to pull an aluminum straight out, you always bend them just a little each time.

Also, when I shot my buck this year, the carbon didnt pass thru since it hit the opposite shoulder blade on a quartering away shot. When I found him, he was laying on the arrow, and it came out perfect and unbroken. That says a lot right there!

I just bought a dozen Gold Tip XTs, but havent shot them yet. If they are as good as everyone says they are, I'll pay the little extra for better arrows.

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I switched from XX75 2315 shafts to carbon express about five years ago...I bought a dozen from Walmart, took them to my father's machine shop and cut them down to 25" with a grinding wheel, removed the insert from the cut end and re-installed it with an industrial superglue...I took my time trying to ensure that each shaft was as identical as I could make them...and have been immensely pleased with the results...after 5 years, I still have 10 of the original dozen (lost one--broken by a doe--after I shot her through both shoulder blades--she went a total of 40 yards from the point of being hit; lost the second to an accidental robin hood--so I started limiting group shootings and began shooting individual dots).

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Switched last year to carbon from aluminum after not bowhunting for 10 yrs, got them on recommendation from the arrowsmith,and they shoot great out of my bow, not much experience other than that, but I do group better than when I shot alum with my old bow, but that could be the difference in the technology and my "experience" level with different equipment...

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Guest Primetime/IL

Carbon Express Terminator Select 6075's, great arrows

One thing about Carbon...its either straight or shattered, nothing in between

aluminum on the other hand can bend thus affecting arrow flight

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I am a traditional shooter and carbons just don't perform well out of my longbow and recurve. I use both Easton aluminums and cedar shafts as well.

Dakota :)

Well...I think I'm having a change of heart considering I'm saving up to buy a Mathews Mission X3! :D When I've been shooting it at Scheels I've been shooting Beemans, I love them! :D:D:D

Dakota :)

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