The long wait


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just got an email from my taxidermist saying my deer will be ready end of June. :D:D It's gonna be such a long wait. But well worth it, the guy does amazing work. I'm getting the semi sneak open mouth head tilted up mount, thought Id get something different this time. Anyone else anxiously awaiting their trophy? if so what mount?

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Waiting on a couple myself. My taxidermist does his on a 1st come 1st served basis even though I've gotten to know him personally. My 1st buck was no. 4 coming into his shop so I could have it around May. My 2nd one was no. 36 so it may be July before it's ready. He may get them ready at the same time though because I told him when I took the 2nd one in he could do that if he wanted to. No big rush. One's going on my trophy room wall and the other is going to my hunting camp. Both will be mounted semi-erect, one with a right turn and the other with a left.

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I got the call about a month or so ago...mines being finished the first or second week of Feb.

Semi-Sneak slight right turn.

The first shot was a kill shot but I led the buck too far on the second shot trying to anchor him in the field. If you look close you'll see a small hole(.270) in the Bucks nose on the left side of his face...the other side was held together by a few strands of skin. I'm anxious to see how well the Taxi did the repair.


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