The Joys of Parenthood


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Was laying on the coach a few minutes ago. My 14 month old son sleeping on my chest, while I watch the Military channel. Life is good. Then, all of a sudden he unloads on me. Yup, his lunch and breakfast I think. All over my neck, face and hair. Something did not agree with the boy, and I have a ruined O.C.C. shirt, and the stench to prove it. crazy.gif

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Re: The Joys of Parenthood

Joys of Parenthood, Part II

My just turned 3 year old has finally decided he's ready to get out of pullups....starting immediately with peeing while standing like Daddy does.

My wife has him in the bathroom yesterday morning, and comes out laughing hysterically, saying.."you handle this one".

I go in, and ask him what the issue is.

In a very pouty face he responds.

"Daddy, my pee-pee is too big".


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Re: The Joys of Parenthood


"Daddy, my pee-pee is too big".

[/ QUOTE ]

LMBO that is priceless! I think that is the kind of statement you will need to hole over him at his graduation, prom, wedding etc. in the future. lol

Maybe i should never have children since i know if i got puked on i would be puking instantly. crazy.gif

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Re: The Joys of Parenthood

Everyone gets "christened" by their new babies. My husband was watching me change our first born son's diaper. All of a sudden he started peeing. My husband had been leaning over him with his mouth open......yep, right in the mouth!

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Re: The Joys of Parenthood

Dont feel bad.i woke up the other morning, carried the baby downstairs, made coffee and sat down at the computer.He crawled over and pulled himself up my leg so I picked him up and sat him on my lap.I hadnt changed him yet and his diaper was pretty well saturated anyway.But apparently while I was making coffee he had crapped in his diaper, and it boiled over ou the back of it, clear up his back and down his legs.So there sit,b oth of us covered in baby poop at 6:30 in the morning screaming at my wife to help me grin.gifgrin.gif

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