How do those MO birds act


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I kill almost as many birds by sneaking within hung up birds as I do calling them in, by staying low and using the terraine to get within range. I usually set up where I can drop into a ditch or creek to change positions if needed. They are a tough bird... once you think you have them mastered, they will burn you! :D Just listen to your guide, he most likely knows what he is doing. Try to be in shape. I hunt where it is about 30% timber and ditches, where to the south, it would take all together methods where it is all timber. If your guide is good, it should not take over 3 days for a bird, unless it is bad weather.

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They act like they hate me.:rolleyes:

One thing I can say is when they are in the mood it seems easy, but when they aren't it can be real frustrating.

I have had as many birds come in without making a peep as the ones that come in gobbling. I don't think the birds are that much different than in other areas. The fairly high population helps a lot though.

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Where in MO are you hunting?

hunting in MO is usually pretty good.......However the last several years we have had some bad hatches so those eager jakes and 2 years old birds are not as plentiful as in years past :(

Surly your guide will have scouted and know the strut zones, roosting and feeding areas ect. So you should be ok.

You can only hunt MO till 1.....Make good use of that 10 am to 12 noon or 1pm time; many gobblers are lonely at that time of day. They may not be very vocal but they will come in to your calls. ;)

Good luck :)

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Mo birds

The past few years have been tough. I am thinking bad hatches are to blame. I live in PA but have hunted in SE MO for the past 17 years. I hunt in the Mark Twain, and it is not what it was 15 years ago. More and more men hunting and fewer birds. I can remember years hearing 15-20 birds gobbling on the roost. In the last few it has been 3 or 4. We tent camp and go guide-less. Talking to the locals it sounds like they had another bad hatch this past spring.

But one never knows, good luck to you and have fun...

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