CanaMaize Awesome Food Plot Corn

Guest Riley17

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Guest Riley17


CanaMaize is an awesome corn product for wildlife. The conventional varity has a maturation of 65 days! The Round-Up Ready version is only 69 days. The corn was developed in Canada as a grazing/forage corn.

Why use this for food/cover plots for Whitetails?

* Can plant late as the varity has a fast maturation. Great for planting areas that dry out later in the summer.

* CanaMaize has a very short stature. At full maturation will stand 4-5 feet! Perfect for planting on timber edges. You can see deer and with proper stand position shoot into it.

* High forage value. For cattle it is A leader in forage value. In plots our customers have the deer eat it down to the root!

* Has a small seed size. Can be drilled with forage type RR soybeans for the ultimate late season food plot.

I found out about this from a friend that obtained exclusive rights to market CanaMaize in the US. He asked me to help market it to the sporting market.

This is a great product. If you have any questions or to order please e-mail me. I will give you a call if you need more specifics. They have a website if you go to CanaMaize . com.


Jim Riley


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