Senator's Response on E Holder


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I don't think anyone could say it better......

Dear Mr. Willmon:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the confirmation of Eric Holder as Attorney General of the United States. I appreciate having the benefit of your comments on this issue.

After carefully studying Mr. Holder’s record as Deputy Attorney General, I remain doubtful regarding his judgment and ability to operate independent from political influence. Additionally, I have concerns that Mr. Holder’s record demonstrated a failure to understand the profound threat posed by radical Islamic terrorism. And I remain troubled by his apparent hostility to the constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

During Senate Confirmation, Mr. Holder’s answers to the questions posed by the Senate Judiciary Committee failed to alleviate my concerns. During his testimony, Mr. Holder avoided giving a full and candid account of his actions regarding former-President Clinton’s pardon of Marc Rich, the clemency offered to 16 terrorists, and other matters that gave rise to my concerns about his judgment and independence.

My utmost concern, however, is that Mr. Holder fails to fully understand the unique challenges and threats posed to our country by radical Islamic terrorism. I fear that Mr. Holder is not prepared to lead the Justice Department at a moment when this nation is waging an asymmetric war whose battlefield extends across the globe and onto U.S. soil. While I was pleased that Mr. Holder testified that protecting America from attack would be his most important job as Attorney General, his public statements regarding the War on Terror often betray a willingness to advance ideological rhetoric without fully appreciating the sensitivity and complexity of a particular issue.

For these reasons I opposed the confirmation of Eric Holder as Attorney General by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Although I am disappointed that on February 2, 2009, Eric Holder was confirmed by the full Senate to be Attorney General of the United States, I hope that he will study the important issues facing his Department carefully and independently, and will use power responsibly—and not simply cater to the extreme voices on the left.

I appreciate the opportunity to represent Texans in the United States Senate. Thank you for taking the time to contact me.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is the response I got from Senator Bob Corker. I will be writing him as well as Lamar Alexander again on Eric Holder and the recent news.

Thank you for taking the time to contact my office to share your concerns about the nomination of Eric Holder for Attorney General of the United States. Your input is important to me and I appreciate the time you took to share your thoughts.

I recognize the importance of ensuring that a highly qualified and knowledgeable person serves as our Attorney General. As a general rule, I believe in allowing discretion to the President to choose the people he wants to fill his Cabinet. However, I had significant concerns with Mr. Holder's nomination for Attorney General due to his record as Deputy Attorney General and his past analysis of the 2nd Amendment. After carefully reviewing the testimony from Mr. Holder's confirmation hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee, while I may disagree with some of Mr. Holder's views, there was nothing that would disqualify him from this position.

You should know that I fully support the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark decision striking down the District of Columbia's handgun ban because I strongly believe in protecting our constitutional rights. This decision is exceptionally significant because for the first time in our nation's history, the Supreme Court has affirmed that gun ownership is an individual right protected by the Constitution.

The right to own firearms for shooting, hunting, and self-protection is important to me as a Tennessean and as an American. I believe in safeguarding the rights of law-abiding American citizens. I will be a consistent voice for the second amendment, and I will fight attempts to weaken those rights that are granted in the Constitution.

Please take note of the attached "Policy Points" document to learn more about the steps I have taken to protect our 2nd Amendment rights.

Thank you again for your letter. I hope you will continue to share your thoughts with me.


Bob Corker

United States Senator

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Here is what I got from a rep in New Jersey:

Dear Sir,

I appreciate the time you took to write me on Eric Holder's confirmation. However, I am too busy to really analyze your concerns as I am currently coming to take your guns. You should be more concerned about that. By doing so I am taking care of the good people of New Jersey by not allowing them to hurt themselves with those dangerous firearms. You can thank me by making a donation to the Democratic Party of New Jersey, which will ensure my re-election. If our methods work, which they will, everyone will have all they need provided to them by the state and federal government, thus reducing crime and the need for personal firearms ownership. Furthermore, there will be no "class" of people as our goal is to share the wealth of those willing New Jerseans with everyone else to create a perfect and un-needy society.

Thank you again for taking the time to write. We can discuss this more after the SWAT team leaves your home. I like my coffee with cream and two sugars. Looking forward to it!


Robert Menendez (D) New Jersey

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