Anyone got the winter blues?


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Oh boy, I think I have them....I'll be glad it's getting warm this weekend so I can go out and hike and look for sheds.

Everything seems to be a bummer though,lol. Even the people I know in my nursing class, I was talking to them and they are even feeling and thinking "Can we do this? Can we make it through and graduate? Are we good enough to be nurses?" etc.....

I haven't even seen or talked to any of my camp friends, a couple of them are getting together in NYC this weekend...I'm not going of course,lol, but can't help but have that "left out" feeling a little bit.:rolleyes:

Winter has been a hard one and it's been long....burnt out on school already...

Oh and a recruiter from a hospital came today, we had a free lunch out of it and we got a folder with an application and what not. They don't offer new grads day shift aka 7am-3pm. Orientation is for 2 weeks, in June. Duh, I can't apply anyway, I'm hopefully working at camp this summer, and I am hoping I can take the state boards asap after graduation because in order to be the health director at camp, if I get the job, I have to be a licensed RN, and graduation is May 17th, camp, at least staff training, starts like June 15th.

Oh and I am so sick of hearing about Obama and the economy...need I say more..I know it's bad, but it is depressing and all I hear is the same old thing every single day!:mad::rolleyes:

Can you tell I'm bumming,lol:rolleyes: I know though, it'll all work out, God has His plans for me, and whatever happens with this world, only God knows what will come.

Ok, I need to go study for an endocrine quiz we have tomorrow, hopefully I can get an ok grade on that.:rolleyes:

Hey, I reached 8000 posts now, best news all week,lol

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I am about to go insane here.:o Seems like everything I usually am excited to see, read, do, is just boring right now. I can't wait until the spring so I can get outside and actually do something constructive. Taking a road trip tomorrow up my aunts house and then probably to the casino, that should help for at least the day or so.:) What really sucks is that I still haven't had my car fixed, so i am limited to where I can go and when. :(:(

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Well since my season was messed up from me moving, I really haven't had the blues to much as I didn't hunt that much, but now that I know I'm moving back home in about 7 weeks I am really getting jittery.

I can't wait till I get home..........I can hear the fish trembling now!!!

As far as the cold goes, I like it better than the hot. I would really like the good Lord to keep it at about 65 to 75 degress year round, but I don't think that's gonna happen.

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Yep........I am laid off this week and maybe next week. First time ever. Myself and a couple others have been at the Ambulance Garage "picking up the pieces" since Rosalie died. Reimbursement checks, W-2s, switching over signators at banks and investments, CPR refresher classes, scheduling EMT Refresher classes, paying bills, switching contacts with our billing company, Ambulance Run Report reviews, State Operational Plan updates, Intermediate Technician phase-in, Had the local Concrete Company come down with their giant front-end loader to remove snow around our Helipad, running squad calls when the pager goes know, the usual stuff:eek: :rolleyes:

I can't wait to get in the woods calling turkeys with those kids. :D

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I hear ya Ruth...I am dealing with post Texas depression.

I had a week in the sun at least. You need a break, no doubt. You have been workin' your tail off and the cold and snow kind of puts dampers on everything. Good luck looking for sheds and turkey season will be here before you know it.

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I dont get the Winter blues...just the "I'm not Hunting Blues". Theres just no time for the Blues really when you have a fly tying jig, hooks, and a few capes that need a good pluckin!:D

Planning to do more fishing this year with a new friend so I'm looking forward to doing that. Also have some plans to get more hiking and camping done and do a few summits in the Adirondacks.

At this time of year I'm only concerned about one much Propane for the heater is in the tanks;)

I do alot more reading of Gods word now than I did before and thats seemed to help quite a bit!:cool:

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