New rifle


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i have been wanting one of these since i got out of the Army way back when. finally got the chance to pick one up at a local gun show. i bought it brand new and it came with 2-30 round mags and cleaning kit.

its a DPMS AR-15 Panther Classic. it has a 20 inch barrel and the upper sight/carrying handle is removable so i can mount a scope. the scope on it is a Simmons whitetail classic 6.5X20X50.

havent had the chance to run any ammo through it yet. the weather been nasty cold and ive been working a lot. but im going to shoot it in sat afternoon. they reccomend that i shoot 1 round then clean the barrel and repeat this for the first 10 shots. then clean the barrel after 25 and so on until i get to 100 rounds.

im going to have a lot of fun with this weapon. :D



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