trail cams


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Ive used both and I have had just as many pics and same deer returning to the areas I have put them from either one. I personally like the flash camera better for night time because you can see the deer clearer and in color which is easier to tell the difference between one from the other, especially when their antlers are growing in spring and summer and in late winter when the racks fall.

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The flash on our Wildview5(which only works in +30* weather) does not spook the deer we have gotten pics of.

But it did have my neighbor ring our bell at 10pm one night, saying there is something flashing in our yard and there are lots of deer there too:D.

So no, it don't bother the deer, but it might bother the neighbors:p

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I am running several Reconyx and Cabela camera's some with IR and some with conventional flash. I havent noticed the flash scaring anything.

adjam, that is funny stuff, I can imagine what the neighbors think. I have seen some of my going off on feral hogs and it looks like a hollywood red carpet event with the flash models going off a 100 times in a hour.:D

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I have 3 Cuddeback flash cameras and one Reconyx IR camera. Some deer are spooked by a flash camera and some are not. As a general rule of thumb, you'll get more pictures with and IR camera simply because very few deer are spooked by the IR's red glow. The pics won't compare in quality to a flash camera though. A few deer have been spooked by my Reconyx RC55 IR camera though but not like they are with a flash camera.

Here's a web site that will give you side by side comparisons of trail cams along with unbiased review of all different brands. next trail cam purchase will probably be the Reconyx RC60 IR camera since it has no IR red glow at all.

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No doubt about it, the flash provides for superior pics. I think the flash does scare them a bit for the first time or two they encounter it, but after that it's no biggie. I use a leaf river IR, and although i know the image quality is compromised, i like the fact that its stealthier. Maybe it's the fact that i'm worried about that new buck in the area getting spooked, or just some kids tresspassing on fourwheelers in the offseason and taking the cam, but i just like the IR better.

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here in florida i am running several cams. if i get a pic of a big buck with a flash camera, it is likely that i never see him again. some deer are more prone to be scared of the flash and some don't seem to mind. with my ir cam, i seem to get alot more pic's of the same deer over and over.

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