I Think We Found It


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i do have one question. Why build a new house that you only plan on living in for 15yrs:confused: i guess that is a bit confusing to me:D

Because our existing house is too puny. Who knows how long we'll have this house. I know I'll be eligible for retirement in 15 years, and my youngest child will be 22 in 15 years. Who can say what will happen in the next 15 years, but I do know my wife and I alone will not need 3000 sq ft of home once the kids are gone.

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$550 seems high, but depends on what they include. Up here we do the siteplans and stake the foundation on the lot for $600 or so. If you are on a subdivision lot, we can do the survey included with that for about $900-$1000, pending how complex your site is. One of the most important parts of the project, yet overall, one of the cheapest:confused:. Still haven't figured that out:rolleyes:

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$550 seems high, but depends on what they include. Up here we do the siteplans and stake the foundation on the lot for $600 or so.

That's what they're doing. The lot itself has already been surveyed. This is for them to do the siteplans and stake the foundation. It's basically a "CYA" thing for them. I already showed them the warranty deed, and pointed out the fact there's no encumberances, easements, right of ways or anything like that because it's just farm land right now. They didn't care. I guess I can't blame them, they'd be liable if they built a house on someone's easement.:rolleyes:

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