Finally got out....


Recommended Posts do some shootin! Took the fifteen year old daughter out yesterday...beautiful day, warm, light wind. Shackled her up behind the .22, SBEII, .30-30, and....the 7mag!!! After a hundred or more rounds of .22, a box of .12ga, half a box of .30-30...she said she wanted to take some shots with the 7mag on the 150 yard mark. So I set up the shooting bag and turned her loose. She was making good 2-2.5 inch groups at 150...with no "magnum flinch"!!! I tested her with a dead round when she wasn't watching...:D With her (my first rifle) .30-30, she was grouping them very tight at 100, even with that aggrevating Marlin trigger (gonna get her a new trigger)...minus the first one which was off a little more than we would like.

Get em out there guys...she's showing up all the boys at school already, they're not shooting magnum rifles yet!!!! So needless to say, she went to school this morning with some new braggin rights!!!:D And a small bruise to show em!!!:D

Sorry, no pics...but will be sure to get some next time.

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Eric, I did the same thing recently. My 17 yr old daughter wanted to take her BF to the ranch for a weekend recently. She is very petite and just fractured her ankle and is on crutches so she didnt shoot any clays but did want to shoot a 22 off the benchrest. She then proceeded to a 17 HMR and then to a AR in .223.

Mind you, she is pure "girly" girl and hasnt shown an interest in shooting ever so I suppose it was showing off for the boy friend.:rolleyes: She then asked if I had anything bigger and I brought out a .308 tactical rifle and she proceeded to bang 4" steel at 300 yards without a problem. I was amazed because she has never shot anything bigger than the .223. and not that familular with optics.

I just happened to bring a couple of left over pumpkins from fall house decorations. I set them out at 75 yards and let her and BF have at them with a couple of AR's. Boy talking about funny, there was orange goo flying everywhere and when they were done there wasnt a piece left bigger than egg. Should have a pumpkin patch growing soon.:D

All in all we had a great afternoon being together and having a good time in the great outdoors. Mom was there also shooting and I think daughter takes after her as she is a very repectable shot herself.


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Girls seem to be great shots right out of the box. I've heard from instructors it's because they listen better and have no high expectations which allows them to settle down. Boys are all macho and scared to death to miss so sometimes arent as good as girls. Dunno but sounds good to me.

Here;s my 11 year olds 1st deer. Notice shot placement at 168 yards.


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Girls seem to be great shots right out of the box. I've heard from instructors it's because they listen better and have no high expectations which allows them to settle down. Boys are all macho and scared to death to miss so sometimes arent as good as girls. Dunno but sounds good to me.

Have heard the same thing. My oldest daughter is 12, she loves shooting, she is a pretty good shot too.

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