One sick doe


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I have deer feeding on my spruce all winter. I just came into the house and I saw this doe feeding out back. She has had a chunk of skin the size of an 8.5x11 sheet of paper torn away. You can see meat and maybe a rib or two. The flap of skin is hanging between down. I figure she was hit by a car because there are no wounds on her hind quarters that a dog would leave. I was tempted to shoot her but I've seen deer come back from such nasty wounds. She has to be hurting pretty bad.:(

I'm sorry the pic is a little blurry but it was the best I could get.


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One of three things will happen in my opinion; she might heal up fine, the coyotes might get wind of her and end of story or she might just die. I'd call your game warden and tell him about her; maybe he'll come out and get a good look at her and make the best decision he can in a situation such as this. Poor creature. :(

Dakota :)

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what, this is nature, survival of the fittest, if the coyotes get her, so be it. Yeah it sucks seeing that and feeling bad for her is human nature, but this is a wild animal, not a pet....stuff happens and she will be taken out by nature. now if this was during season and I was sitting in a stand and had a buck and her come out. She would be the first to catch lead, but this time of year and with that wound, she will be taken care of before any warden gets there.

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  stevebeilgard said:
to just put her down may seem like the right thing to do, but it's called poaching. call your warden. most likely he'll just let nature take it's course. cruel, maybe, but nature.

Exactly.. NY season is long over. Nature has ran its course from the beginning of time. Its unfortunate that this doe has to suffer, but there is no guarantee that this is a fatal wound, although some of us may think so, there is still a chance she may survive. Who's to say other than the good Lord? Call the EnCon, see what they suggest and more than likely they will tell you you did the right thing and to leave her be. If so, once again, nature will run its course.....

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  Swamphunter said:
Exactly.. NY season is long over. Nature has ran its course from the beginning of time.

If so, once again, nature will run its course.....

This was pretty much my thoughts Swampy. My wife really wanted me to shoot her but I told her that it's up to Mother Nature now. She will not be the first doe the coyotes have taken down and she will not be the last. The last thing I need is for my kids to go to school and say daddy shot a deer yesterday.

My wife did not see her all day today. We will keep our eyes open and keep you updated.

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