I Would Like to Apologize...


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A little over 5 years ago when I first joined this site, I was basically a quasi-liberal. Full of young ideals and misguided direction.:D I would like to apologize, because honestly, I am getting sick of hearing of how everything should be handed to the poor and less fortunate based simply on their skin color. I'm poor, I was unemployed for almost a year, I'm married and have kids, but since I am white and therefore somehow privileged, I am not entitled to anything?! Give me a break.

So, I am sorry for some of my misguided ways. I am still a moderate, but there is no way I will subscribe to the liberal agenda like I did before.

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A little over 5 years ago when I first joined this site, I was basically a quasi-liberal. Full of young ideals and misguided direction

We remember.... ;):D

With more and more life experiences, people tend to become more of a "realist", as they mature with age.

I started out a democrat in my youth, which now has turned into a full blown conservative, and not quite as far right as Rush or Hannity... but not far off either. I tried to stay Republican without "the spin".... :D

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Remember well Marc. No apology needed at all buddy. Glad you have opened your eyes.;):D

Unfortunately there are millions of people who either don't get it or simply don't care. I believe that those who don't get it who do care have potential to have their eyes opened with what I am afraid is on its way with this current administration.

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Don't forget.................... It was 16 years of the "Moderate" policies of Bill Clinton and George Bush that got us into the mess that we have today. The middle of the road is a good spot to get run over.

I'm just to the right of Ann Coulter.................and it sure smells nice.:D:D:D

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...With more and more life experiences, people tend to become more of a "realist", as they mature with age...
It's not just people that change. The entire political landscape has shifted almost 180 degrees over the past 40 - 50 years. Up until about 1960 or so, the democrat party really was the party of the average Joe, and the republicans were the party of the rich. But something happened during the 60's and 70's and now we see the democrat party as the party of the special interest (give me a handout) groups while the republican party tries to keep the rest of the country working.
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Up until about 1960 or so, the democrat party really was the party of the average Joe, and the republicans were the party of the rich. But something happened during the 60's and 70's and now we see the democrat party as the party of the special interest (give me a handout) groups while the republican party tries to keep the rest of the country working.

This is a good watch to have a better understanding of the difference between Democrat and Republican.


I don't consider myself an extremist - but they can make me one.

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The crazy thing is I grew up conservative and was a Young Republican and all that. Then I guess in my mid-20's I took some undue influence and got all skewed.:D I think I am too far gone to either be completely left or right. I take each issue as it comes, look at both sides, and see what I agree with. Right now, I am having a hard time finding anything I agree with that Obama has done. So for now, I am more on the right side of my moderateness.:D

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So for now, I am more on the right side of my moderateness.:D

You still seem to have the gift of democrat diplomacy. :D

Glad to see you've "righted" yourself to one degree or another. ;)

I find myself moving farther to the right as time goes on, as well. "Course I started pretty well to the right to begin with. I'm on the verge of dumping the republican party. :cool:

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