My son goes for minor surgery today


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My son Joe, some of you know him as Squirrelhunter91 on this board, is going in for a Tonsillectomy; and to have his adenoids removed. It is relatively a minor procedure, but it is still in the hospital with him under sedation.

I think he will be fine, but a few prayers his way can't hurt.

He did not want me to post about it, but being the Dad I am OUR Realtree family should know;).

I'll give an update when we return home, it is ambulatory so we should be back this afternoon.


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I can attest to the "younger the better" wise tale. It is true. I had mine our Aug. 2007 at the age of 33..............boy did that suck!!! If they give him any pain meds in the "codone" family, be watchful. Oxycodone really A young guy should be able to get away with Extra Strength Acetominephin (Tylenol).

Good luck to him.

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People always say "good luck" when it comes to surgery. My standard answer to that is, "thnanks, but hopefully luck won't play a part..." :D

He'll do fine dad. Hope it all works out. Go buy him some of his favorite ice cream. :cool:

....yeah,I agree.... I stopped saying "good luck" when I heard that the word "luck" origionates from "Lucifer":eek:-

......prayers from Alaska for Joe's smooth procedure and recovery, Anthony....

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Joe is home and seems to be doing OK.

Thanks everyone for the prayers. He is in bed out cold, sleeping with his mouth open. Now, with a house full of boys, we have a lot of fun when one of us gets caught sleeping with our mouths open:D. But Joe will get a pass this time, and not get a mouth full of feathers or whip cream which is usually the norm. Yes, we torture here:eek:. The Geneva convention means nothing to us.:p

I have to tell ya, the nurses in the hospital we were at, Good Samaritan,Suffern,NY were incredible. So personable and caring beyond belief. I felt like I knew them. The Dr. also was aces.

Again everyone...thanks for your well wishes.

I will pass them them on to Joe.

I am boy is home OK.

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